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Errors in Log, JSON .. funny symbols


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What is going on with the funny symbols and the error mentioning JSON?


Also getting errors about things linked to.. (assuming it is collection issues after replacing files with higher quality) but not seeing that in this most recent log. Removed items from mentioned collections and readded them.


Version 3.0.5621.4 of the Emby Server for Windows 7x64





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ok.. those other errors are happening again causing a popup error message while doing a manual rescan of the library after adding a new file. Can someone please look at these many errors and give me a clue what is going on and how to resolve it? Thanks..



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Try moving your music to paths not under your user folder. Looking at the logs you should be able to see that it's complaining about your directory/path length being over 260 characters

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Thanks for that. Yup, here's one example. You must have something underneath there with a file or directory name longer than 260 chars.

2015-06-02 00:48:01.7568 Error - App: Error in MusicAlbumResolver resolving C:\Users\Timothy Bowen\Music\Disgorged
	The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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I appreciate a response, however no one addressed the rest of the errors and they continue to happen.

The funny symbols, are they intentional?

The error to read header info.. what is going on with that?

And the server closing the connection..

404 and 429 errors

Unable to get People Info.

When I log in, the login screen shows up a second time but if I log in once I CAN click the EMBY icon in the top left and get in, or I can log in a second time and get in. I never used to have to login every time I open my browser, now I do.


....and a LOT more.


This is a hot mess.. Help!




Just A Few Examples:

2015-06-04 00:36:58.7287 Error - ServerManager: Received web socket message that is not a json structure: �������������������������������������������������������
2015-06-04 00:37:04.1960 Error - HttpServer: Error in SharpWebSocket: An exception has occurred while receiving a message.. Exception.Message: The header part of a frame cannot be read from the data source.</pre>
2015-06-04 00:37:51.7787 Error - App: Error getting response from http://api.fanart.tv/webservice/newmusic/5c6b04c68e904cfed1e6cbc9a9e683d4/1432436581/&client_key=14937b39f6fd202d5ddc8c579ac57e99</pre>
2015-06-04 00:37:51.7787 Error - App: Error running postscan task</pre>
	Program data path: C:\Users\Timothy.Studio-XPS.000\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server
	Application Path: C:\Users\Timothy.Studio-XPS.000\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe
	The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
	   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
	   at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)</pre>
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They're nothing to worry about. We log a lot of things because they are useful for debugging, but not everything is actually a problem.

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They're nothing to worry about. We log a lot of things because they are useful for debugging, but not everything is actually a problem.


Things are not right with my install. I just moved to a new profile withOUT a Space in the name and now logging in as mentioned takes me two attempts and has to be done every time I close my browser. This never used to be the case. Any ideas?


As for none of the errors being a problem, how can I have 55 megs of errors in a log not be a problem?

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The login twice issue is resolved for the next release.


Ah! So it's not just me.. Ok well that at least makes me feel better a little bit. Thanks for clearing that up.

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As for none of the errors being a problem, how can I have 55 megs of errors in a log not be a problem?


They're nothing to worry about. We log a lot of things because they are useful for debugging, but not everything is actually a problem.


A 404 is simply a not found.  Can happen a lot depending on your content.


Are you actually experiencing a problem in the interface (other than the log-in issue which is stated to be fixed)?

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Well, yeah things have been running really poorly, I was getting popup error messages from Emby, and related or not, pages upon pages of errors could be a sign of something actually wrong. -- I went so far as to reinstall Windows however now I am running into Issues trying to setup the server again and get my "new" user to be recognized properly / setup profile etc. I had wanted to copy over watched status for users, etc.. but part of the reinstall of windows was to get rid of my <2 name> user account in windows to remove a space in the path that Emby didn't like. So now I have a different name. I did rename my acct in the server back to "Tolerant" but things are not quite accepting of these changes. :( And it's looking like when all is said and done I will have to manually figure out the watched and unwatched because of my changes. :(

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Wait what about space in path? I don't know who told you that but that is not a problem.


Yep.. I was for sure told that having a path in my windows profile path was something Emby didn't like and it was a problem that was causing a %20 to show up in my user name in the web ui for the server. :(

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Well then I apologize. I would never tell anyone to do that because the software should be able to adjust to that. I do recall issues with certain characters in emby usernames, but this was related to the username setup in Emby, not the windows username.

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No worries.. trying to find out exactly what I need to copy just to reclaim users and their watched status, without overwriting all the now setup config. Tried looking into some of the .db files with notepad but that is a no go. Is it only the file "userdata_v2.db" that needs to be copied over or is there more? .. Is this based on paths at all or simply the "username" like "Tolerant" for example? Or is it simply better to tell my users to just suck it up and remark 3500 films and 250 shows? :(

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Do you have the Server Backup plugin with previous backups?


Restore user data to different user.


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No, today was the first time I heard of it and it's a bit too late since I already blew away windows and cannot load that profile. I do have my Appdata / Program Files, etc still though. And the backup plugin is sadly a "Supporter" plugin, I barely have food let alone supporter. :(

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Ok, Fresh Windows 7 x64 Install, Fresh Emby Server and WMC client install etc.. and readded my files and scanning to add new content after the initial scans were done.. and getting pop up error windows again, so nothing has been fixed by this entire day I spent redoing everything. This is very upsetting.


What the heck are these logs talking bout getting messages that are not JSON.. ?! No one has answered what is actually going on. :(


These are just a few errors.. please fill me in someone.


 Error - HttpServer: Error in SharpWebSocket: An exception has occurred while receiving a message.. Exception.Message: The header part of a frame cannot be read from the data source.

Error - ServerManager: Received web socket message that is not a json structure:
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine	   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)	   at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.BeginRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) 


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these don't have anything to do with the scan. it is just extraneous traffic between the browser and server, and these messages generally only show up with firefox. i am going to just remove them from the log for the next release.

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If none of the messages in the log have to do with a Popup box telling me a request cannot be completed (I think thats what it said).. then what is causing this error? A clean install shouldn't be popping up any error messages.. or at least so I would think.

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It always happens when I manually scan to add new content, or manually scan to update images etc.. point is, its during a scan. If it happens during a timed scan I am not around to see it. It is a message in the middle of the screen and then it's gone. I just can't track it down to what is going on because I have no idea what is causing these messages nor what they actually mean. I know it's not intentional, but I keep asking, "What does this mean, whats causing this error" and the only responses I keep getting are of the nature of "They arnt important, don't worry about them", but that does nothing to help me address the problem so I am sure you can see my frustration because this has been happening since the last one or two release versions at least.  Maybe I don't know enough to pin it down, but if I had half a clue what these things mean then at least I would have some idea where to look to help in some way, in theory.

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Out of curiosity, can you attempt to do the same things in chrome or IE and see if the messages show up there? thanks.

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I will try, although it doesn't happen every scan but very often so I might get (un)lucky.


EDIT: It looks like Emby doesn't support IE 8.

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