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Emby for Kodi - MySQL

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First off I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and time.

I know this was said to probably never be implemented because this is kind of the reason to have emby in the background. 

Just a thought and not looking for a feature request or anything I know it's early but if the plugin would support the mysql on a separate server say even the same server that emby was installed on wouldn't that be a way to reduce the long time for slower devices like Rpi and such to do the sync?  Assuming of course that the MySQL and Emby where running on a more powerful machine.  I know it seems kind of redundant but since there currently isn't any way to have kodi update the emby database directly without having to keep syncing the local kodi database thought this may be a way to do this. 

I don't know much about how the inner workings of the kodi library works so I could be way off on this. 


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It's something we did look at but was proving problematic. Maybe it will get added in the future.


We know lower power devices struggle with the initial sync (but you can always have a few cups of coffee/beer) whilst waiting. Once synced I hear it performs very well (not got one myself) and as you stated the main point of MySQL DB was to keep things like episode play status up to date with multiple clients..which of course the Emby server does here.


There's been preliminary thoughts of moving the DB to the Emby server...but these things are certainly not a priority.

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