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Artist not returning info


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Hello guys,


I'm having some problems with the latest beta version .824 of the kodi plugin.


When I select the all music folder, artist or artist album it just don't return anything. I t just start to execute and then stop and stay a the same menu selection. Everything else like movies, tv works. It's also working (including returning music artists) on the android plugin.


I don't know if its' related to the folder name that I have my musics (Música) but I think it is not since it's returning the albuns and songs. The only thing that is not returning is artists.


I did not receive any error on the screen.


I'm also receiving a lot o timed out messages on KODI in this latest version. That is not happening in the stable one and on the beta versions before.


I'm attaching the log.


In the log attached I'm accessing the library from a ddns service, but that is happening if I acess it directly.


Testing mre, up to version 0.9.810 it was working form me. After that it is not.






Edited by Marcelo
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I dig a little bit deeper on this question.


My music library is huge. I've got more that 1.000 artists and 40.000 cds.


After comparing versions I saw this part:


            # get the response
            tries = 0
            while tries <= 10:
                    data = conn.getresponse()
                    # TODO: we need to work out which errors we can just quit trying immediately
                    if(xbmc.abortRequested == True):
                        return ""
                    if(xbmc.abortRequested == True):
                        return ""                   
                    tries += 1
            if tries == 11:
                data = conn.getresponse()
            self.logMsg("GET URL HEADERS : " + str(data.getheaders()), level=2)


The "try" number was lowered from 10 to 4. If I got it back it works again for me returning all my music artists.


The cache is created perfectly in the cache folder and all is working again.


The time out messages that I was receiving like reported by other users also disappeared.


BUT, this is more or less random. If I call the library trough the kodi json browser sometimes it doesn't receive an response and the cache file in the cache folder stays at 0kb.


I'm running the server on the latest available version for freenas on an octa core with 64gb of ram.


Hope that this information can be useful.





Edited by Marcelo
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