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Understanding adding new content


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I have the problem, that a lot of the content I download sadly isn't recognized by the auto-organize feature. (http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/16605-auto-organize-episode-detection-for-more-formats/)

Thats why I use a different program to rename and sort these files.

I understand, that after auto-organize is run then the library is automaticaly scanned.

However when I run this third party program to sort my files MB of course has no idea I did that and I have now some new files (correctly named) in my folders.

Now my question:

Do I have to run a full library scan (which takes up to 5minutes for me) for these episodes to be detected?

The problem is I have the library scan setup to only scan every 12 hours or so (because it takes so long and eats quite a bit of the little CPU I have)
So when I come home and want to watch my new series I first of all have to sort them via third party app and then enter into the MB settings and initiate a scan and only then do they show up for me to watch.

This kinda ruins the whole "auto-organize" idea where I just come home and new stuff has "magically" appeared in my library :(

So yeah maybe someone can help me out, and maybe the devs will consider adding support for "TV Show SEE" naming recognition ;)

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Yes, if you manually organize into the folder, you need a scan after.


If you're using an external program to do the renaming to a format that MBS likes, maybe you should point the output to your Auto-organize watch folder. Then if MB3 scans the autp-organize and identifies them with the better named names, it will auto take care of the metadata scan.


So, files download to "download" folder; external program watches download folder and fixes names and places in "watch" folder; MB3 auto-organize pointed to "watch" folder and takes care of the rest.


I know the auto-organize still isn't there, but I haven't felt it was bad enough to use an external sorter. I just have a bookmark on Chrome that goes straight to the autoorganize log page and I manually correct the red entries every morning. I can get to it from home, from work, from a tablet or phone and it's a really simple interface. Also, have you considered messing with whatever you're downloading with to fix the names? I use sabnzbd and it auto-renames to the S##E## format so I've never had a problem with the SEE issue except some anime.

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Yes, if you manually organize into the folder, you need a scan after.


thanks for the info.

I use torrent, so i have no option to automaticaly rename stuff.

Sadly the third party program I use can't watch the folder. It only acts when invoked by the user. So unfortunately atm it looks like my dream of a fully automated sorting ain't gonna happen :(


So if I understand you correctly if something gets auto-organized it doesn't do a "full" library scan but just adds the metadata for the auto-organized object?


Really a shame about SEE not being recognized, because basicaly mediabrowser brings all the tools but just can't handle this one very commen naming scheme :(

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There are definitely options to auto rename after torrent download, or set a scheduled task to check for complete downloads and rename, that you can google for. I haven't implemented any personally so can't tell you what works better. For the few things I torrent I just manually move them to my MB3 watch folder. Most are already in S##E## format, and the few that aren't I either use the log or manually rename per thetvdb.com before the auto-organize.



Here's the problem with SEE. How does MB3 know if that's the absolute number like anime tends to use, or season and episode.

For example: Bleach 312 doesn't mean season 3 episode 12, it means the 312th episode.

Edited by fraenhawk
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Here's the problem with SEE. How does MB3 know if that's the absolute number like anime tends to use, or season and episode.

For example: Bleach 312 doesn't mean season 3 episode 12, it means the 312th episode.


I understand the problem. Unfortunately "lol" the scene group uses this as their naming.

It would be cool if auto-organize was a little more customizable on what to recognize. or maybe just "learn" from when the user corrects it. For example if I tell it that modern.family.301.mp4 = Modern Family S03E01 it should then accept that modern family has this stupid naming. So when modern.family.302.mp4 pops up it will auto-organize it.


im probably going to look into what i can achieve with filebot which seems to be pretty advanced in the automation of sorting. then just have it output everything to one folder which in return is scanned by MB and added to the library. (now it would be awesome if we could somehow externaly trigger the auto-organize function. then it would happen in realtime and not with a possible few hours delay depending on how you setup the schedule)

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@@pseudoheld - which program do you use to "obtain" the TV shows ??


Do you use either Sonarr or Media Center Master ??


They both have built-in usenet/torrent search and download capabilities.


They will be downloaded stuff to the correct place and then MB3 can fetch the metadata etc. for them.


We can take this offline if you wish to discuss further.

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@@pseudoheld - which program do you use to "obtain" the TV shows ??


Do you use either Sonarr or Media Center Master ??


They both have built-in usenet/torrent search and download capabilities.


They will be downloaded stuff to the correct place and then MB3 can fetch the metadata etc. for them.


We can take this offline if you wish to discuss further.


interesting. i have heard of mcm but didn't know it also does the downloading.

atm im using utorrent with a custom rss feed (private tracker) and most other apps dont support private rss feeds and trackers.


EDIT: pm sent

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Incase someone is interested here what I used to solve this:



you can trigger it via utorrent once a torrent is finished. 

there is a very nifty script already created which can be modded A LOT to suit everyones needs.



Basically it can do the complete sorting of episodes into folders, even download artwork and nfo but I have it setup that it:

1. Unpacks the .rar

2. renames the video inside to whatever you want it. for me its "Show - S01E01 - Episode Name.mp4"

3. moves this file to a folder that inturn is being watched by mediabrowser with auto-organize

4. mediabrowser then periodically checks this folder and auto-organizes all the videos inside to the respective folders in my library


works perfectly. now if only I could trigger auto organize via some shortcut instead of having to go to the control panel i would be a happy camper :D

send me a PM if you need some more info about setting up filebot. its awesome!

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If you are using the utorrent filebot script you don't need auto organise, it can move the episodes directly to your library folder

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If you are using the utorrent filebot script you don't need auto organise, it can move the episodes directly to your library folder


see thats what im not quite sure about. the way I understood it is that if auto-organize runs it will then add those episodes to the library with metadata etc taking only a little time.

if i sort them directly to the final folders via filebot i HAVE to run a full library-scan to recognize the new files which takes up to 5 minutes and more with my current library.


is this assumption correct or did I missunderstand something?

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see thats what im not quite sure about. the way I understood it is that if auto-organize runs it will then add those episodes to the library with metadata etc taking only a little time.

if i sort them directly to the final folders via filebot i HAVE to run a full library-scan to recognize the new files which takes up to 5 minutes and more with my current library.


is this assumption correct or did I missunderstand something?

once they are added by auto organise you still need to do a media rescan anyway... So for your situation auto organise is just adding a few extra steps/file operations

All auto organise does is rename file and copy them to the correct location, which you are doing with filebot already.


And if real time folder monitoring works with your setup/filesystem the scan can be automatic if you have selected the option CBers mentions above

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looks like i am going to have to do some experimenting this evening ;)

problem with filebot is that i have my tv shows split up over two different HDDs.

not really sure i want to go to the pain of setting this up manually in filebot :D

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