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.520 / .521 thumbs bug


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There is a bug in .520 and .021 that if there is one season that is missing a thumb image none of the seasons will display (nor will the folder image).


Best illustrated by scr shots




^ Missing a thumb.jpg in season 4


then after adding a thumb.jpg in season 4




There needs to be some code added to use an alt image if no thumb exists. Took a long time to find this and while it is a minor thing it will effect everyone who doesn't have pristine metadata.


I not sure if it effects movies as i haven't checked.



Edited by DrWatson
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Not sure if this is related, but if I enter a TV episode from the Home screen (Next Up), exit and re-enter the same episode, I often get a background image that doesn't relate to the TV show.


Not sure if anyone else can reproduce this ??

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I really cannot replicate this - I can see that you are running this in the Samsung Emulator - Can you tell me what errors are reported? I can see the counter had not updated in the first image so I'm relatively certain it would have hit some error.. 

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Not sure if this is related, but if I enter a TV episode from the Home screen (Next Up), exit and re-enter the same episode, I often get a background image that doesn't relate to the TV show.


Not sure if anyone else can reproduce this ??


Cannot reproduce - Sorry

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@@im85288 - You have thumbs in your collection a lot, can you replicate this (I know you're busy)

I'll give it a blast but not seen it so far

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@@chessdragon136 @@im85288


Sorry for the lack of log posting 


Here is the error in the emulator although i'm not sure if it will help or not - if no one can repo i guess i will have to start to look at my set up - but it is a consistent error in the emulator and on both of my samsung tv (h6400) the issue didnt exist in .517d (if that helps at all). Man I wish swagger worked it would make stuff so much easier

File:			file://c/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Samsung/Samsung%20TV%20SDK%204/apps/Widget/app/javascript/Gui/GuiTV_Show.js
Line No:		138
Error Detail:	Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'getBackgrouundImageURL'
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Thanks, I will try and simulate your initial report tomorrow by deleting one of the season thumbs from a series. 

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Thanks for the log, definitely does help! - Someone  :rolleyes: made a typo - getBackgrouundImageURL

Would only happen if the item had been played (entire season) and there was no thumb image - No wonder it was a pain to replicate!

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Damn I didn't even see the uu  :D

Nice one


Edit - Fixed it locally and tested it. All good.  Cheers

Edited by DrWatson
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Damn I didn't even see the uu :D

Nice one


Edit - Fixed it locally and tested it. All good. Cheers

Didn't realise you were working on this app as well.


Good stuff.

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Didn't realise you were working on this app as well.


Good stuff.


Na i am not officially working on it - I don't have the skillset. But I am dabbling :)  

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Not sure if this is related, but if I enter a TV episode from the Home screen (TV Next Up), exit and re-enter the same episode, I often get a background image that doesn't relate to the TV show.


Not sure if anyone else can reproduce this ??

Cannot reproduce - Sorry

I can reproduce this at will.


This is on my TV, not in the emulator.

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Ok if it is tv only not emulator what is probably happening as has happened before is that the TV caches the code and it has not updated correctly


Can you please uninstall the app, turn off tv (off at the wall as well) and reinstall. IS the only way i know that works best.

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Just checked and I cannot reproduce that at all. It is programmed to select a random background from the series...for a bit of variety.


Can you post a screenshot of a TV episode with the incorrect background (after following the advice above first)

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Just checked and I cannot reproduce that at all. It is programmed to select a random background from the series...for a bit of variety.


Can you post a screenshot of a TV episode with the incorrect background (after following the advice above first)


OK, I think I have sussed what is happening.


If I return to the HOME screen and re-enter an episode (in this case an episode of THE LIBRARIANS), I get the correct backdrop:




If I re-enter, I get a non-series related backdrop:






I think the issue is that each time you return to the HOME screen, the backdrop changes to a random image, but if you re-enter the episode before the backdrop has changed, that becomes the backdrop for the episode.


If I wait for the HOME screen backdrop to change, then re-enter the episode, all is fine.


So it's a timing issue, perhaps on my part, but a timing issue none the less.


Hope that makes sense.


(Apologies for pictures).



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I know whats wrong @@CBers - Doh you just beat me!

I really need to know - Does your home screen have 1 or 2 lines on it? As in Next Up TV on its own or Next Up TV and something else


Basically, due to the time it may take to find a random backdrop, i put that code in a function that displayed it after 1 second, so if you navigate away from home too quickly once returning you will end up with the issue you're having..


The code for the homepages differs in that the 1 item homepage doesnt have the 1 second wait, and the 2 item homepage does. @@CBers if you have only 1 item go into settings, pick a second homepage item and then repeat and see if it still happens



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Yes that is a good error report, possibly something to do with the change recently made to always have different backdrops on the home page...I think Chess will have an idea on this one.


@@chessdragon136 - I have played a bit with channels and have most of it working (images displaying correctly etc)...but the playing of an item (I only tested trailers) is not doing anything and I am not set up to debug. Should I commit my changes and if you get a chance can you look at the playback issue?


EDIT - I committed my changes anyway as they only enhance the channel images. It's very close to working correctly :)

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I can fix the issue when i get an hour, basically need to set the backdrop timeouts to a variable and clear them when navigating away.. 


@@im85288 - Have you made any changes to the video player / transcoding scripts? If no then feel free to commit though please change the enableChannels in Main.js to false, or one of us will accidentally push out a build with it enabled by mistake. It may be worth starting a PM on this as I've tested with the ITV channel and it seemed to work fine...

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