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How about a library category that uses simplified logic to determine each type?


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How about a "Smart Unset" library category. Or maybe "Idiot Savant"?


I mean that it could apply some simple logic to try to determine the type for each subdirectory, and if the logic fails, it will just leave it as unset for the user to manually set.


What would that logic be? I am thinking of something quite straightforward:


1) If there is already an XML or NFO file in the directory, then use the type defined there


2) If the subdirectory has something like [tmdbid=1234] or [tvdbid=2345], then set the directory type to movie or tv, as specified 


3) Maybe create a few more bracket words, so people could just put [Movies] or [TV], [Music], [books], [Games], etc. in the directory name to set the type. I can do this a lot more quickly and easily than I can go to each item in the metadata manager to set the type.


4) Failing that, mark it unset




By the way, I am suggesting this as a new category type. I do not mean for it to replace existing categories Mixed or Unset, which I would greatly prefer to see kept as-is (or as-was, in the case of Mixed).

Edited by jwill
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