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VLC plugin support in web ui


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My preference is to avoid transcoding whenever possible. This both prevents quality loss and reduces load on the server. In my case, I'm using a tiny PC as a server and I have some movies it just can't transcode fast enough to play smoothly at high res.


I noticed the web ui uses the html5 video tag. To me, it would be preferable to detect whether the VLC plugin is available in the browser and if so, use it (there are existing scripts out there for this). Then the streams can be copied rather than re-encoded. If the plugin isn't there, use the video tag.


This feature would be especially useful right now, while the stand-alone theater isn't ready for general use as Win8 users without WMC don't have a better MB3 option than to use the web ui.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to see something like this too. As a stop-gap, does anyone know of any way to default the transcode quality to another setting (say, 720 instead of 720+) for those of us with servers that don't quite have the raw power to transcode at such high quality? (Kinda like what was mentioned here?)

MB3 rocks. Just became a (proud) supporter.

Edited by kreeturez
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