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Create a metadata fetcher for Remote Lyric files, having issues...

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I am trying to create a remote metadata provider for the songtrack level and cannot get it to work.

Is there actually a trigger for metadata at the song track level?

To be clear, I can do this at album level and I can also create a local reader for songs, that actually goes online and achives this, but I am trying to impliment a remote metadataProvider for just lyrics.


namespace LyricsProvider
    public class LyricsMetadataProvider : IRemoteMetadataProvider<Audio, SongInfo>
        private readonly IServerConfigurationManager configurationManager;
        private readonly IProviderManager providerManager;
        private readonly ILibraryManager libraryManager;

        private LyricsFetcher lyricsFetcher;
        private IFileSystem fileSystem;

        public LyricsMetadataProvider(LyricsFetcher lyricsfetcher, IFileSystem filesystem, ILibraryManager libMan, IProviderManager provManager, IServerConfigurationManager serverConf)
            providerManager = provManager;
            configurationManager = serverConf;
            libraryManager = libMan;
            lyricsFetcher = lyricsfetcher;
            fileSystem = filesystem;

        public async Task<MetadataResult<Audio>> GetMetadata(Audio searchResult, string language, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string trackartist = searchResult.Artists[0];
            string LogPath = configurationManager.ApplicationPaths.LogDirectoryPath;
            string currentlog = Path.Combine(LogPath, $"LyricsFetcher" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy-HH'.'mm'.'ss") + ".txt");

            string songid = string.Empty;
            if (searchResult.HasProviderId(MetadataProviders.MusicBrainzTrack))
                try { songid = searchResult.GetProviderId(MetadataProviders.MusicBrainzTrack); } catch { }

            string songartistandname = searchResult.Artists[0] + "_" + searchResult.Name;

            var log = new FileLogging();

            log.LogToMyFile(currentlog, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy  -  HH'.'mm'.'ss") + $" [NewDetection] ----------------------------------------------",true);
            log.LogToMyFile(currentlog, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy  -  HH'.'mm'.'ss") + $" Song: {searchResult.Name}", true);
            log.LogToMyFile(currentlog, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy  -  HH'.'mm'.'ss") + $" Artist: {trackartist}", true);
            log.LogToMyFile(currentlog, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy  -  HH'.'mm'.'ss") + $" songid: {songid}", true);
            log.LogToMyFile(currentlog, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MMM.yyy  -  HH'.'mm'.'ss") + $" songartistandname: {songartistandname}", true);

            var lyrics = await lyricsFetcher.FetchLyrics(songid);
            var lyricsPath = Path.ChangeExtension(searchResult.Path, ".lyrics.txt");

            await fileSystem.WriteAllTextAsync(lyricsPath, lyrics);
            var result = new MetadataResult<Audio>
                Item = searchResult
            return result;

        public string Name => "LyricsMetadataProvider";

        public Task<HttpResponseInfo> GetImageResponse(string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<MetadataResult<Audio>> GetMetadata(SongInfo info, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<IEnumerable<RemoteSearchResult>> GetSearchResults(SongInfo searchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


namespace LyricsProvider
    public class LyricsFetcher
        private readonly string _apiUrl;

        public LyricsFetcher(string apiUrl)
            _apiUrl = apiUrl;

        public async Task<string> FetchLyrics(string songId)
            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                string apiUrl = $"{_apiUrl}/{songId}/lyrics";
                var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(apiUrl);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    throw new Exception("Unable to fetch lyrics.");


namespace LyricsProvider
    public class RemoteLyrics
        public string Lyrics { get; set; }

I am getting simple injector errors


SimpleInjector.ActivationException: SimpleInjector.ActivationException: No registration for type LyricsMetadataProvider could be found and an implicit registration could not be made. The constructor of type LyricsMetadataProvider contains the parameter with name 'lyricsFetcher' and type LyricsFetcher, but LyricsFetcher is not registered. For LyricsFetcher to be resolved, it must be registered in the container.
     ---> SimpleInjector.ActivationException: The constructor of type LyricsMetadataProvider contains the parameter with name 'lyricsFetcher' and type LyricsFetcher, but LyricsFetcher is not registered. For LyricsFetcher to be resolved, it must be registered in the container.

So either I am doing it wrong or its not supported.

Can you tell me either way if this is wrong or not supported?



Hi, actually, even easier, get rid of that and create a class that implements MediaBrowser.Controller.Subtitles.ISubtitleProvider. Have the SupportedMediaTypes property indicate audio.

Since lyrics and subtitles are essentially the same thing, some placeholders were added to the server core to accommodate this in the future.

Then in theory a lyrics config section should show up in library settings, but this has never been tested because there aren't any providers yet.

Posted (edited)

I can add the many thousands of LRC I have to my own api server, let alone the plain text ones

I alreay use ": ILocalMetadataProvider<Audio>" to effictively act like its reading local files but instead goes online and downloads them (kindof a hack), but I want to use a proper remote provider.

So something like this?

And what would trigger it?, Would VideoContentType interface work with Audio files?

public class LyricProvider : ISubtitleProvider

        public string Name => "Music Lyrics";

        IEnumerable<VideoContentType> ISubtitleProvider.SupportedMediaTypes
                yield return VideoContentType.Audio;

        public Task<SubtitleResponse> GetSubtitles(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<IEnumerable<RemoteSubtitleInfo>> Search(SubtitleSearchRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


Edited by mickle026

Yes just like that. The subtitle download scheduled task, hopefully. It hasn't been tested.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

I will try this / test this when i have a moment of spare time, but as a scheduled task though? - just why?

At the moment a metadata refresh is doing this job for me with a local reader so when I add a track or album, the lookup of an lrc file is already happening - I think prefer this *hack* method, a lot less stress of the system.



Edited by mickle026

No that’s user controllable in library settings. You should do it the way I mentioned. It will cut the size of your code in half easily.


I will try it with the subtitle interface, and as a standalone task.  I have published it with this method anyway to gauge interest.

10 hours ago, Luke said:

No that’s user controllable in library settings. You should do it the way I mentioned. It will cut the size of your code in half easily.

My code is tiny anyway with the provider method - its also pretty fast (apart from the ffprobe element), the only reason the dll is 92kb is because I embeded an icon in the html as base64..

However at even 1 second per track, 10,000 tracks would add 2 and 3/4 hours to a library scan (without the probing) so I can see why you recomend that method.  I see on the forum that some people have massive libraries which could be 200,000+ tracks, which would add over 2 days to the scan.....and hammer the api provider (although text files are much smaller than images so not so much traffic, but rather cpu load on their server)

A scheduled task would be best, I could even do it without the subtitle interface so it runs seperate from the subtitles.  The reason I wanted it as a provider really was so that it triggered for new media when new media was added.


so I can see why you recomend that method

And also because users can use the core UI library settings, and down the road when there are other lyrics providers you won't have users asking why yours is different.

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