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Image Metadata Missing from Guide

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Hi there,

More of a general interest question than a technical question.

Recently set up IPTV in Emby and was experimenting with it. I'm finding that I am not pulling in image/artwork data for programs playing - Any ideas as to what/how this works? Is this on my provider's end of things, a misconfiguration in Emby itself?



Hi, what guide data did you specify, and what images does it have?


Hi, @Oracle

This looks like an XML file being used for guide data, that doesn't have program graphics.

If this is m3u & xml setup and you think it should be pulling the program graphics, send me a PM with a link to the m3u and xml files and I'll check on this for you and see if I have any recommendations for you.

Don't post them here, but a private message to me.


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