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Emby backups wizard idea


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I have an idea for an Emby backups and restore wizard if it's not already thought of.

When a user has an issue with Emby and they have to go through the backup and restore option or they migrate to a new Emby install usually once Emby has been re installed they jump to the web gui and then have to go through the wizard of creating a user/pass, add libraries and so on till they get to the main dash. Once it's done they then have to add premium key (if they got one), sort out the backup and restore plugin then choose a backup to get back to as they was before. 

Could there be a way that could give a user the option of choosing to restore a backup instead of having to go through the install wizard first. Kind of like when the wizard shows up it could ask a user are they restoring from a backup or is this a fresh install if they choose the first option it would start a backup and restore wizard instead of the new install wizard. This wizard would possible go as followed.

1 - Please provide your premium key (it could verify the key)
2 - Please select a location of your backups (as long as you have access to the location IE it's mounted in an Emby istall on Truenas)
3 - Please choose a backup

Once they have chosen a backup and accepted the terms it would then do the install of the backup, restart and put them back to a working Emby with all their configs, libraries etc. This way they could skip the normal install wizard and just jump straight back into their library. If this was possible and could be done it would just save a lot of time. 


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Hi, yes, now that the backup process is more integrated, the next improvement is to add it to the server startup wizard. Thanks for the feedback.

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Thank you that would really help with having to re install a back up, maybe it's just laziness from me but would make life simpler if i could just provide my key, point to a backup and be up and running shortly after. The current way of doing it is a little involved i must admit but i'll look forward to the added improvements. 

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