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Synology - Create Ram Disk for Transoding


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Hi there,

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up a RAM disk space on your Synology NAS. Start by following the instructions provided in this guide: Creating a RAM Disk on Synology NAS (translated into English).

Once the RAM disk is created, proceed to configure Emby. Set the transcoding path in Emby to use the newly created RAM disk for optimal performance.




A. To create two folders on your NAS, follow these steps:

  1. NAS Folder Creation: Choose a location where you want to create the folders. For example, you can create them under /volume1/docker/ramdisk and /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local.

  2. Folder Creation Process:

    • Access the file system of your NAS.
    • Create a new folder named ramdisk within the /volume1/docker directory.
    • Similarly, create another new folder named ramdisk-local within the same /volume1/docker directory.

You have the flexibility to choose any suitable location for these folders based on your NAS setup and preferences.


B. Mount Ram Drive at system start

  • Create a new schedule with user root and run at system start
# Mounting a tmpfs filesystem
mount -t tmpfs -o size=20% tmpfs /volume1/docker/ramdisk
# Sleep to ensure the mount has time to complete
sleep 1
# Synchronize contents from the local ramdisk to the mounted ramdisk
rsync -ahW --no-compress /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local/ /volume1/docker/ramdisk/
#Grant access and ownership to user emby
chown -R emby: /volume1/docker/ramdisk/
chmod -R u+rw /volume1/docker/ramdisk/

Steps Explaination:

  1.  Mount Folder and Allocate RAM: Begin by mounting the folder and allocating 20% of your current RAM to the new RAM drive.

  2. Copy Contents from ramdisk-local to ramdisk: Next, copy the contents from the ramdisk-local folder to the ramdisk folder.

  3. Grant Access to Emby System User: Finally, ensure that the Emby system user has appropriate access to the RAM disk.


After creating the new schedule, execute it to mount the folder with the new RAM drive.

These steps will help you set up and utilize the RAM disk effectively, ensuring that the Emby system user can utilize it for optimized performance.


C. Create new schedule with user root in order to copy ramdisk to ramdisk-local every minute

# run me as a scheduled task every minute as the same use the files belong to
rsync -ahW --no-compress --delete /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local/


D Add setting Ram Disk path on Emby - Transcoding 

Emby Menu -> Transcoding -> Transcoding temporary path -> /volume1/docker/ramdisk/

Press Save.


Thank you


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OT: Do you or anyone else know if there is a way to bring an external graphics unit into the Synology system?

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