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Library scanning is very slow

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Library scanning is very slow. In 48 hours 98%. Image generation of chapters and introductions are disabled.



Don't really see much in the log besides a few libraries that appear offline. 

024-02-12 03:52:53.875 Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/onedrive-sites/felipe-series-a-m-02/am2 because the path is currently not available
2024-02-12 03:52:53.875 Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/onedrive-sites/felipe-series-a-m/SÉRIES/A-M because the path is currently not available
2024-02-12 03:52:53.875 Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/onedrive-sites/felipe-series-n-z/SÉRIES/N-Z because the path is currently not available

And errors for media not found for those offline paths.


@Maratonandoare you sure this is the log file from your library scan? 

One thing you can do to speed them up - disable MovieDb metadata for episodes and use tvdb. With MovieDb we have to download episode metadata one at a time. With Tvdb we can get the entire series all at once.

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