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Script to remove subtitles


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I hope this is OK to post here but if not please delete it. I was having an issue with my Samsung tv and files with a large number of embedded subtitles. I know this isn't an Emby issue so I put together a script that runs through my mkv files and remuxes them removing all subs (I'm happy to let Emby grab the subs for me). 

You need the mkvmerge executable in a folder (sample path below) and it replaces the original files with the modified ones from the temp directory. Save the following as a .bat file and run it in the directory where the media is stored. It should skip any files without subtitles. 

@echo off
set "mkvmerge_path=C:\mkv\mkvmerge.exe"

powershell -Command "& { mkdir 'temp' -Force; Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mkv | ForEach-Object { $subtitles = & '%mkvmerge_path%' -i $_.FullName | Select-String 'subtitles'; if ($subtitles) { & '%mkvmerge_path%' -o ('temp\' + $_.Name) --no-subtitles $_.FullName }} }"

move /y "temp\*" .
rmdir /s /q "temp"

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