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Wishlist for emby / Santa


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Dear emby developers,

As a long time Jellyfin / Infuse user I decided a couple of months ago to finally give emby a try since I was not very happy with the AppleTV app from Jellyfin. I do not regret this change but rather that I did not do this earlier. Still, I would love to point out some (smaller and bigger) feature and change requests as well as bugs which hopefully will find a way on your roadmap. Maybe there is also already a solution and I just simply have not discovered it, in that case any help is appreciated!

To explain my use case scenario of emby, which will make some of the points clear: I set up a media server at home where not only my family watches the content, but also a second family that does not live in the same house. Additionally, we prefer to watch the content in its original language while the other party prefers a dubbed version in their native language. This is also why I use multilanguage versions (or mux them myself) of content.

General information:
BUG = Bug / Issues
FRQ = Feature Request
CHR = Change Request
AppleTV App version: 1.8.0 (5)

1. (BUG) HDR not working
I guess this one does not need more explanation as there are many topics around here still unsolved. This is the only point that stops me from ditching Infuse completely on my AppleTV. Pressing my thumbs that we will see this one day. If you need any additional details from us, we are all willing to help you.

2. (FRQ) Download subtitles from within the app
Emby web app offers already the option to download subtitles, the AppleTV app is still missing this feature. My current workaround is to download them before starting to watch on a mobile device or via web app, but of course there is a much more comfortable way if this can be achieved within the app.

3. (FRQ) Trailer starts YouTube app
In the movie details, when selecting the trailer option, the app switches to the youtube app. Would not be a problem I guess when it would switch back also, but after watching a trailer you always have to switch back to the emby app manually.

4. (FRQ) Define trailer language (per user)
I understand that this is controlled by the metadata language, but in my scenario there is always somebody having a downside: Either us who have to have the metadata in a foreign language (acceptable) so that the trailers can be watched by the other party (but we don't like the dubbed version :) ), or we have our english metadata including english trailers, but the other party cannot read the metadata and does not understand the trailers. Smaller issue and no must have, but maybe an idea for any future changes.

5. (FRQ) Show filename and codec information in movie details view
See example screenshot (screenshot_5.png) of the web app, which is missing in the AppleTV app. Would help in my scenario to investigate different language versions. Additionally, maybe a flag next to the audio codecs on top? See my example (screenshot_5_2.png)

6. (FRQ) Movie / TV show poster on detail page
The collection page shows the poster image in detail view, while when you select a single movie it is missing and shows just the plot text. I guess the empty space can be used a bit more for showcasing. (see screenshot_6.png and screenshot_6_2.png)

7. (FRQ) Search page with last search strings
I don't quite understand how the predefined search items are generated, but for me personally it would be a bit of help to see my last searches (e.g. I make a search, have to leave the page, but coming back to check the last item). (screenshot_7.png)

8. (CHR) German translation of air date below shows "Gerade" instead of "Heute"
Minor issue: Just like in the web app, or iOS version. (screenshot_8.png)

9. (BUG) TV Shows / Recommendations / Recently released episodes not translated into German
Minor issue: See screenshot_9.png

10. (BUG) Cast role not scrolling
Minor issue: When the cast role is too long for the selected hover area (not actor name, that one does scroll), then it stays at the shortened version without revealing the whole role name. (see screenshot_10.png)

11. (FRQ) Rewind / Forward just with buttons on remote possible, not via swiping
I am not 100% if this is really the case and if you will really understand what I mean, but when testing to jump to different time codes during a movie, I can only forward via a button press on the complete timeline. It could be much quicker though via a swipe function (like on a touchpad).

Thats its for now... 🙂

Thank you for your open ear and again, if there is anything that you would like to implement and need help, feel free to let me know.

Greetings and have a nice weekend!









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Regarding translations:


8. (CHR) German translation of air date below shows "Gerade" instead of "Heute"
Minor issue: Just like in the web app, or iOS version. (screenshot_8.png)

9. (BUG) TV Shows / Recommendations / Recently released episodes not translated into German
Minor issue: See screenshot_9.png

Please see here: 


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