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Please don't use the "role" field for a person of type "Director"


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As you know, Emby stores person data in one data table, regardless if it is an actor, a director, componist, producer or whatever. That data table has the column "Role", which is needed when Emby wants to store what role an actor is playing. In all other cases (director, componist, producer, guest star, ...) the role is and should not be used.

Unfortunately, some Internet movie/TV databases provide that field nonetheless, which leads to the situation that Emby stores the person information, that it is a Director and has the role "Director". You can see this in the summarization of a movie or an episode of a series when it reads "Alfred Hitchcock - as Director" instead of "Alfred Hitchcock - Director". Because, not only that Emby stores that information the data service is providing, it furthermore displays it without need.

I am currently solving this problem for me personally that I frequently open the database library.db with an appropriate program and delete all role fields from the table ItemPeople where the PersonType doesn't equal "0". But this cannot be the final solution.

I want to suggest, that Emby does not put this field into the database by any means when the PersonType is not equal to 0 (or is it 4?) (Actor). Problem solved.

Edited by Arby
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