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Why is Emby not mentioned more when talking about Plex alternatives???


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Plex is for people who do not want to install a server but just an app on a fire stick to browse some channels that are from pluto tv app. The channels are not even live but some made up bunch of hosted media to look like live tv as how dizquetv does. For a person who likes to host their own media plex is a no go and users find that out when they install emby as there is a huge night & day difference in the two. Once in a while I see the plex app when browsing on fire stick and for a chuckle I install it and after a few minutes I get bored and delete it, nothing for me on it but a reminder of why I will not use it. I like to tinker with apps software hardware whether it's old or new sometimes I even install old azz software to get ideas on maybe a future project or something. Plex imo only really has one good thing and only one, share data with other servers is a great thing but other than that it's not a real home media server. A real home media server is not bloated with other peoples garbage and other peoples movies and ads and spam and fake live tv fukc it's a sad setup but they make money from people who have no idea what they could be using with a little reading. Plex is an other peoples media server not mine, my media server is what I choose and is why I use emby as a daily tv source for my family and myself. So @Gilgamesh_48 I don't think that emby needs to blow up advertising how good it is, smart people will figure it out also word of mouth is always a great thing. The real question is what's an alternative to emby? simple, there is none!

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