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Paid for emby unlock on nvidia shield


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Hi, i paid for the emby unlock on my nvidia shield. However i keep getting an error message every time when I try to play something. The error message is 

"Premiere Device Limit Exceeded. Please contact your Emby
system administrator or purchase the app unlock from the user
menu on the home screen"

Please help? Thanks

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Then that someone else's server has reached Premiere devices limit and no new devices can be added until some of them drop off the list (devices are tracked for abt. a week), there's nothing else that can be done from your side. 

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It does, once slot is open you'll be able to connect, and since you've unlocked app, it won't count against that server devices limit. 

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Simply using the app, yes; but the Premiere feature also enables the server to do things like providing live TV, using hardware to transcode, and a range of other things - and simply unlocking the app doesn't provide access to these other Premiere features.


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But it is not my server and from what I understand, premiere feature is only for hosting a server. I paid for the emby app unlock as the error message suggested, and I am still getting the same message. What was the point of purchasing the unlock if the same error is still coming up? Surely this is an emby issue and not a server issue?

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You must be trying to use a premiere feature on the server you are accessing.  It is up to the server administrator to ensure that they have premiere enabled, and with an extended count of device slots if they expect to run out of the default.

The unlock enables you to contact any server, but if what you try to access requires Premiere, that is still up to the server administrator.


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What server are you trying to use?

There are a couple of illegal streamers out there that are trying to take advantage of our unlock feature to side-step the device limits but this is only partially successful.

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