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Metadata issue with folder scanned by two libraries of different lang

Guest juanmartinbravo
Go to solution Solved by Luke,

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Guest juanmartinbravo

*Ubuntu 22.04

*Emby Server

*Media folders scanned by Emby mounted with mergerfs

*Folder '/mnt/mergerfs/dual audio series/' is being scanned by my Spanish Series Library and my English Shares Library.


Each library settings is setup to get metadata on its language however the metadata of files in that folser gets loaded in Spanish for both.

I saw some old posts were people said that the reason is due to Emby saving one metadata per file, but it's been years since then so I'm hoping we have some workarounds already.


PS: Plex doesn't have this issue so it'd be a shame having to go back to Plex just because of that..

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Hi there, can you please provide a specific example? What folder paths are added to each library? Do you have pre-existing nfo files in your series folders?

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Guest juanmartinbravo

Oh I thought I didn't have NFO files but I did and both libraries where reading the same file...I removed the nfo files and disabled the Reading NFO files from each library settings.

if the issue still persist then I'll open a new thread.

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Guest juanmartinbravo

Hi Luke,


I didn't test it. I just opted for a different solution because on my server I have Emby and Jellyfin and at least for Jellyfin that wasn't enough (which made me think it wouldn't be enough for Emby either)

So the workaround I used was to create strm files in a different location than the original mkv files:


source_dir="/mnt/unionfs/Series (Dual ES-EN)"

# Recursively search for video files in source_dir and create .strm files in target_dir
find "$source_dir" -type f \( -name "*.mp4" -o -name "*.mkv" -o -name "*.avi" \) -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' video_file; do
  # Extract the TV show and season directory from the video file's path
  show_dir=$(dirname "$(dirname "$video_file")")

  # Create the .strm file path in the target directory

  # Ensure the target directory for the .strm file exists
  mkdir -p "$(dirname "$strm_file")"

  # Create the .strm file with the video file's path as its content
  echo "$video_file" > "$strm_file"

echo "Done creating .strm files."


/mnt/unionfs/Series (Dual ES-EN)/ is scanned by my Spanish library

/mnt/local/Series (Dual ES-EN) is scanned by my English library.


That did the trick 🙂 only issue is that I need to run the script every time I add new files, but I do that with a cron job so no issue really


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