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Identify TV episode selection in Mixed library


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I know this is an old thread but I came across this after an issue I had regarding the same situation. I had a bunch of halloween episodes and specials under one directory. I spent a couple days properly adding the appropriate id tags to each file from imdb only to find out the episodes from a series didn't register. Each episode has a proper id tag separate from the whole show title in the imdb database.

Is there a way to make this work properly? Even putting the episodes in series folders with combined content only uses an auto tag id instead of a proper tag from predefined ids. The main reason for wanting it to work this way is so that I can future-proof my media in case of a server failure. This way I can use all predefined file tags instead of running a full auto tag if I have to ever re-install everything.

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For others reading:


My apologies with the halloween part. I was getting ready to name them after the issue with the christmas files. I wanted to make sure I had a solid fix before I proceeded, just to make sure it was going to work prior to all the manual individual renames and tags.

Ok, here's the images of the current filesystem that is effectively working with bob's burgers being the example:



This way currently works with having mixed content.  The specials and movies are all together, and the files that are series related have been put in subfolders.  Initially as you can see, I still left the original imdb ids in place from the last couple of days.  Minus the ids on the bob's burgers episodes, this was the initial way it was suggested by someone on the forum. The problem I have (on rare occasions) is american dad for example. The filenaming structures are completely different on aired versions vs. the dvd versions. The whole imdb and tvdb naming was a fiasco, but finally figured that out.

Anyway, back to the original post... I thought I was to be able to have all the files for halloween content in one folder without having to create subfolders for tv series. Basically just the ability to dump all the files in one folder without structure (except for proper file tagging). The conclusion I came up with was the thought that maybe emby possibly can't or wasn't recognizing individual episodes by an imdb or tvdb id.

For example, the bobs burgers show id is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1561755/

and an individual episode such as s7e7 is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6213826

Regardless of which provider is being used, such as imdbid vs. tvdbid, emby seems to only recognize the id from a show instead of the episode. Normally I don't put an ID on the end of files that are just episodes, but I did in this case since they are all christmas & halloween specials.

My initial thought was to label and tag the shows properly, so if there ever was a crash, I could just re-install emby and let it run if I had everything labeled properly. Sometimes having to tag certain episodes was a pain, but it was rare. I do have to say this is the only issue I ran into. The rest of my files are properly labeled in folder structures for movies and tv shows.

You have done such a wonderful job with emby. I am one of your biggest fans lol. I tell all my friends to leave plex and replace it with emby. I am very happy with your project and you guys have done incredible work!

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From @coreymichael

One other thing I ran across just now while tagging my christmas episodes is a be cool, scooby-doo file. The scary christmas episode is different order on these two platforms:

imdb lists as 1x15 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5241980/?ref_=fn_al_tt_13

tvdb lists as 1x14 https://thetvdb.com/series/be-cool-scooby-doo/episodes/5411241

That's why I was hoping there was a way to tag the files individually instead of a folder tag if possible, just to make sure they were properly displayed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@coreymichaelcurrently a separate folder is required for each tv series. We plan to be able to support more mish-mash folder structures in future updates, but we're not quite there yet.

I also wouldn't suggest mixing movies with tv, even in a mixed content library. You can still have them together in the library, but they should be in separate folders, with tv following our tv naming guidelines, and movies following our movie naming guidelines.

TV Naming

Movie Naming

Please let us know if this helps. Thanks.

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