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Feature request (nextgen 8.x.x) - Window properties for skins


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As already discussed in another thread, it would be nice to get the window properties back, so that skin developers can fully integrate Emby on the home screen. As far as I know, the old emby plugin used addon paths,  the new addon can use the much faster library nodes directly.

I just drafted a small technical summary, hope it helps a little bit:

for every emby node:
        xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty(key, value)

        # Homemenu
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].title' = [NODE NAME]      e.g. Action Movies
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].type'  = [CONTENT TYPE]   e.g. movies, tvshows, ...
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].index' = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. ActivateWindow(videos, library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME], return)
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].path'  = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. ActivateWindow(videos, library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME]/all.xml, return)

        # Widgets
        ( actors.xml, all.xml, genres.xml, inprogressepisodes.xml, inprogress.xml, nextepisodes.xml, random.xml, recentlyaddedepisodes.xml, recentlyadded.xml, ...)

        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].index.content'                  = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. 'library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME]'

        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].recentlyaddedepisodes.content'  = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. 'library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME]/recentlyaddedepisodes.xml'
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].recentlyadded.content'          = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. 'library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME]/recentlyadded.xml'
        'Emby.Nodes.[INDEX].random.content'                 = [LIBRARY PATH]   e.g. 'library://video/emby_tvshows_[NODE NAME]/random.xml'
        ... and so on ...

        # Add special nodes after other nodes




Vielen Dank!

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With the following code, you have full control over all (synced) nodes and do whatever you like. Set properties whatever...

The beauty is, you are not bind to any code of the plugin. Also the plugin generates synced nodes for music genres on the fly (workaround due to poor Kodi performance) and you can cover that as well.

Dynamic nodes are not covered yet, but in one of the next versions I'll add link for dynamic nodes as well.

fyi, the code can still be improved, it's just a template and not optimized.

e.g. The code can be trigger as a service of your skin...

import os
import xbmc
import xbmcvfs

def get_embynodes():
    SearchFolders = ['special://profile/library/music/', 'special://profile/library/video/']
    EmbyNodes = []
    NodeIndex = 0
    isSubfolder = False
    FolderIndex = 0

    for SearchFolder in SearchFolders:
        Folders, Files = listDir(SearchFolder)

        # root files
        EmbyNodes.append({f"IndexLabel": "root", f"IndexPath": SearchFolder, "Nodes": []})

        for File in Files:
            if File.startswith("emby_"):
                NodePath = os.path.join(SearchFolder, File)
                NodeData = readFileBinary(NodePath)
                NodeLabel = NodeData.decode("utf-8").split("<label>")
                NodeLabel = NodeLabel[1].split("</label>")
                NodeLabel = NodeLabel[0]
                EmbyNodes[FolderIndex]["Nodes"].append({"NodeLabel": NodeLabel, "NodePath": NodePath})

        FolderIndex += 1

        # Subfolders
        while Folders:
            Folders, NodeIndex, FolderIndex = search_embynodes(NodeIndex, EmbyNodes, SearchFolder, Folders, isSubfolder, FolderIndex)
            isSubfolder = True

    # Final Nodes
    for EmbyNode in EmbyNodes:
        xbmc.log(f"EMBY NODES: index: {EmbyNode['IndexLabel']} / {EmbyNode['IndexPath']}", 1) # LOGINFO

        for EmbyNodeData in EmbyNode["Nodes"]:
            xbmc.log(f"EMBY NODES: node: {EmbyNodeData}", 1) # LOGINFO

def search_embynodes(NodeIndex, EmbyNodes, SearchFolder, Folders, isSubfolder, FolderIndex):
    Subfolders = []

    for Folder in Folders:
        if Folder.startswith("emby_") or isSubfolder:
            NodeSubPath = os.path.join(SearchFolder, Folder)
            IndexFilePath = os.path.join(NodeSubPath, "index.xml")
            IndexFileData = readFileBinary(IndexFilePath)

            if IndexFileData:
                NodeIndexFileLabel = IndexFileData.decode("utf-8").split("<label>")
                NodeIndexFileLabel = NodeIndexFileLabel[1].split("</label>")
                NodeIndexFileLabel = NodeIndexFileLabel[0]

            FolderIndexCurrent = FolderIndex
            EmbyNodes.append({f"IndexLabel": NodeIndexFileLabel, f"IndexPath": IndexFilePath, "Nodes": []})
            FolderIndex += 1
            FoundFolders, EmbyFiles = listDir(NodeSubPath)

            for FoundFolder in FoundFolders:
                Subfolders.append(os.path.join(Folder, FoundFolder))

            for EmbyFile in EmbyFiles:
                if EmbyFile == "index.xml":
                NodePath = os.path.join(NodeSubPath, EmbyFile)
                NodeData = readFileBinary(NodePath)
                NodeLabel = NodeData.decode("utf-8").split("<label>")
                NodeLabel = NodeLabel[1].split("</label>")
                NodeLabel = NodeLabel[0]
                EmbyNodes[FolderIndexCurrent]["Nodes"].append({"NodeLabel": NodeLabel, "NodePath": NodePath})
                NodeIndex += 1

    return Subfolders, NodeIndex, FolderIndex

def readFileBinary(Path):
    Path = translatePath(Path)

    if os.path.isfile(Path):
        with open(Path, "rb") as infile:
            data = infile.read()

        return data

    return b""

def listDir(Path):
    Files = ()
    Folders = ()
    Path = translatePath(Path)

    if os.path.isdir(Path):
        for FilesFolders in os.listdir(Path):
            FilesFoldersPath = os.path.join(Path, FilesFolders)

            if os.path.isdir(FilesFoldersPath):
                FilesFolders = os.path.join(FilesFolders, b"")  # add trailing / or \
                Folders += (FilesFolders.decode('utf-8'),)
                Files += (FilesFolders.decode('utf-8'),)

    return Folders, Files

def translatePath(Data):
    Path = xbmcvfs.translatePath(Data)
    Path = Path.encode('utf-8')
    return Path


Edited by quickmic
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Thanks for the code, I really appreciate it!

I'm just curious, is there a reason why you don't want to implement it directly into the addon? It seems to me that it would be the "cleaner" solution because you are already going through the nodes/subnodes anyway, so setting the window properties there would make more sense than parsing/splitting/joining the library nodes in a separate skin python script. I might be biased here, but I'm not a big fan of adding an additional skin python script for handling an already running python addon.

Either way, thanks for your support and time!

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3 minutes ago, OpenHT said:

Thanks for the code, I really appreciate it!

I'm just curious, is there a reason why you don't want to implement it directly into the addon? It seems to me that it would be the "cleaner" solution because you are already going through the nodes/subnodes anyway, so setting the window properties there would make more sense than parsing/splitting/joining the library nodes in a separate skin python script. I might be biased here, but I'm not a big fan of adding an additional skin python script for handling an already running python addon.

Either way, thanks for your support and time!

Mostly, I don't want to maintain it.

Plugins/Skins should capable to run standalone and not be related to any code added into 3rd party plugins.

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Fair enough. Personally, I would consider this information should be part of the addon itself (like in any other addon which provides home screen information e.g. weather) but I also kind of understand your argument. 

I'm going to experiment with both solutions.


Thanks again!

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