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Better implementation of Android Auto and Downloaded files


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As requested for years elsewhere in these forums, the ability to download a usable playlist (the audio files and a modified m3u or whatever that points to those downloaded files where they now reside on the device) is what's needed to make the download function fully useful. I hope that's actually going to happen soon, please.

Even without that functionality, using Emby via Android Auto doesn't make the "dowloaded" files directly accessible from the main Emby dashboard screen, which diminishes the benefit of downloading before a road trip to avoid heavy wireless data usage and/or dead zones. Please add "Downloaded files" as a main-screen selection button, in addition to "Recents," "Favorites," etc.

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  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

This would be really helpful. My Emby instance is not publicly available and I use a VPN. Android Auto, at least on my my Android 14 phone, detects any kind of VPN (Wireguard with split tunnel just my home subnet) and Twingate Zero Trust) and throws out error 21. So meh, AA is pretty useless in my usecase with no publicly available server. Start audio on the phone so that it becomes available on the AA screen at least (but without cover art) feels wrong.



Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10.37.33 AM.png

Edited by shorty1483
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