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Enhanced screens on all areas


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I I like the enhanced Home Screen where I can read the basics of the movie or show without clicking on it. can we do that on all areas and not just the Home Screen? I really like it and it makes its quicker when deciding on a movie. 

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So right now it only does it on the main home screen where you have your recently added contact.

What I am asking is that on every directories TV shows or movies whatever I create I could have that same enhanced screen. So I could keep it as it is now or people could have the option just like you do on the home screen of as I’m scrolling through a different series or movies the information about that would be up at the top rather than half and actually click on the series or movie to get the synopsis.

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The problem is when you're scrolling down a long vertical list, I'm not sure that design really fits with that.

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On 6/1/2023 at 12:03 PM, Luke said:

The problem is when you're scrolling down a long vertical list, I'm not sure that design really fits with that.

I would assume the top stays with the enhanced and continues to display the info on that movie. It's no different then scrolling down through the main page with lots of categories. 

Like Netflix or plex kind of.

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