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Request: Handle .strm files for conversion / download / RIP.


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I am writing to request a new feature that would allow for the automatic conversion and download of VOD files through the Emby media server. As far as I know, Emby currently does not have this capability, but I believe it would greatly improve the user experience and functionality of the platform.

I have created a script that allows for the conversion and download of .strm files with the year 2023. The script utilizes FFmpeg to rip the VOD for a local copy, and uses the URL of the stream to pass to FFmpeg with desired parameters.

Here's an example of the script:

bashCopy code
#!/bin/bash shopt -s globstar cd /path/to/VOD/directory for file in **/*2023*.strm; do filepath=$(dirname "$file") filename=$(basename "$file" .strm) newfile="${filepath}/${filename}.mp4" echo "Converting \"$filename\" to \"$newfile\"" url=$(grep -o 'https://[^"]*' "$file") ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist "file,http,https,tcp,tls" -i "$url" -c:a copy "$newfile" done

I believe implementing this feature in Emby would greatly improve the user experience by allowing for more seamless access and viewing of VOD content. Additionally, this would be a great advantage over other media servers that do not offer such a feature.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like further information.

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Hi.  We do not plan to implement any media downloading features from unknown sites.


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