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chapter scann endet mit error


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Ich habe bei der Erstellung der chapter bei EINER serie ein Problem, der Scann endet mit einem error. EmbyServer auf Windows Server. Alle Anderen chapter werden richtig erstellt.Ich habe Emby beendet, die Serie vollkommen entfernt, Emby neu gestertet, Bibliothek Scann durchgeführt, leider ohne Erfolg.

I have a problem when creating the chapters for ONE series, the scan ends with an error. EmbyServer on Windows Server. All other chapters are created correctly. I closed Emby, removed the series completely, restarted Emby, ran a library scan, unfortunately without success.

Auszug der Log:

2023-03-08 16:21:07.339 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Execute: D:\Anwendungen\Server\Emby\system\ffmpeg.exe -f matroska -threads 1 -skip_list 8,74.9 -i file:"N:\Movie\Serien\MiniSeries\Recorded TV\Nordholm [tvdbID=291983]\Season 1\Nordholm - S01E01 - Tod eines Mädchens (2015).mkv" -an -sn -vsync 0 -f image2 "D:\mounts\cache\emby_cache\cache\temp\129829dd026b4d0e94fbe33cbe8cc54d\img_%05d.jpg"
2023-03-08 16:21:10.730 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2023-03-08 16:21:10.752 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Execute: D:\Anwendungen\Server\Emby\system\ffmpeg.exe -f matroska -threads 1 -skip_list 144.7,219.5 -i file:"N:\Movie\Serien\MiniSeries\Recorded TV\Nordholm [tvdbID=291983]\Season 1\Nordholm - S01E02 - Tod eines Mädchens (2015).mkv" -an -sn -vsync 0 -f image2 "D:\mounts\cache\emby_cache\cache\temp\fd68c30899b44a5ab1b4bf03fd6a3bd9\img_%05d.jpg"
2023-03-08 16:21:11.563 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2023-03-08 16:21:11.573 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Execute: D:\Anwendungen\Server\Emby\system\ffmpeg.exe -f matroska -threads 1 -skip_list 138.3,172 -i file:"N:\Movie\Serien\MiniSeries\Recorded TV\Nordholm [tvdbID=291983]\Season 2\Nordholm - S02E01 - Die verschwundene Familie (2019).mkv" -an -sn -vsync 0 -f image2 "D:\mounts\cache\emby_cache\cache\temp\6b937d57ed4049f2a7ab6b4515ac6e1e\img_%05d.jpg"
2023-03-08 16:21:13.442 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2023-03-08 16:21:13.450 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Execute: D:\Anwendungen\Server\Emby\system\ffmpeg.exe -f matroska -threads 1 -skip_list 175.1,208.8 -i file:"N:\Movie\Serien\MiniSeries\Recorded TV\Nordholm [tvdbID=291983]\Season 2\Nordholm - S02E02 - Die verschwundene Familie (2019).mkv" -an -sn -vsync 0 -f image2 "D:\mounts\cache\emby_cache\cache\temp\d002c26cf6db43a88cbc70741a614cd7\img_%05d.jpg"
2023-03-08 16:21:14.387 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-multi-image' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2023-03-08 16:21:14.392 Info ChapterImagesTask: Stopping chapter extraction for Special Forces because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime.


Hier vorallem die letzte Zeile:  Especially the last line here: 2023-03-08 16:21:14.392 Info ChapterImagesTask: Stopping chapter extraction for Special Forces because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime.

sagt mir nichts ausser dass da etwas nicht stimmt. Kann mir da vielleicht jemand auf die Sprünge helfen? Sollte noch etwas benötigt werden bitte bescheit sagen.

doesn't tell me anything except that something is wrong. Can someone help me out there? If anything else is needed please let me know.

Vielen Dank mixXxim








embyserver (6).txt

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That is improperly embedded chapter within your video file. You can remove it with some 3rd party tool or install Chapter API plugin and do the same within Emby UI:



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Hi @GrimReaper,
many thanks for the answer.
I didn't know the plugin and I tested it right away.
Maybe one more question: how can I recognize which videos have faulty chapters? in mediainfo they all look ok and i always create the videos using the same method. Now I would like to check the videos beforehand to see if there are any problems with the chapter. How can I do that.
Thank you mixXxim

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6 minutes ago, mixXxim said:

in mediainfo they all look ok

Doesn't really matter what MediaInfo reports as Emby is probing items itself and relies on what ffprobe reports. So even if its fraction of a second off/above read runtime - you'll get above error. 

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Now I would like to check the videos beforehand to see if there are any problems with the chapter. How can I do that.
Thank you mixXxim

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