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Scheduled Recording Prioritization for Conflicts


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Sorry, to post this here, but I always have a tough time finding one of the old posts asking this question so I'll ask it again from my profile so it's easy to check.

Last I knew (about 5-6 years ago) Emby didn't support recording prioritization in the DVR.  Meaning, you could set up recordings and it will take them all and look like they are scheduled, but simply not record any past the number of tuners.  Maybe the rest of you have a ton of tuners, but we record a number of old shows that have marathons and such, plus I like to record sports, so it becomes an issue.  HDHomerun did the same thing, you can say to record something and have no idea that it's not going to happen until after it doesn't happen.  Plex tells you that there are conflicts via a popup, trying to get you to resolve at the time of scheduling.  I just close that dialogue box and it puts the series I'm recording at the lowest priority.  Anything in conflict doesn't get recorded.  That's fine.  What I find useful is a little marker on recordings that shows which ones aren't going to be recorded because of conflicts, so I can adjust, or at least know.


Has Emby implemented anything like that yet?  5 years ago it was a feature that was on the roadmap, but I check every now and then and it's always the same status.  I'd rather use Emby than Plex, but this is a deal breaker for me.


Let me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply.  I've been in the industry a while now, and my team calls these the walking dead.  The feature is good enough that it won't be shot down as not happening but it's lower priority for the limited resources.  Meaning there are bug fixes and other features more important.  In my experience, there's usually some workaround or something folks can do that make it fit in this category.  Written in plain English, the user experience here is that sometimes recordings will not be recorded, and you won't know when and where it will happen.  That's a pretty glaring issue.  Am I missing the workaround here?  At the moment my workaround is to use Plex.

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I was thinking that would be an option and have toyed with it.  From Plex I know that it's pretty seasonal in terms of an issue.  Meaning when things like College football are on there are a lot of conflicts, but once the season is over they go away, or I really don't care cause they get recorded eventually.  That said, it's a pretty ugly conversation with my wife when she wanted me to record something like Macy's Parade and it didn't go because of something like Gomer Pyle for 30 minutes.

Ultimately that's how I landed on Plex.  How many tuners do you have?

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