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LG WebOS connection issues


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For the last several weeks, I've had lots of problems connecting to Emby server from my LG TV.  I am 100% certain it's not the server as I can connect from any other PC in my house.  The Emby APP on my tv cannot connect.  At first, I thougt it was the PC that's running the server becuase I do run a VPN on it from time to time and I thought it was somehow screwing up local connections.  I would restart PC and/or restart Emby server and I could connect again (sometimes).  However, I think this was just coincidence since I can connect with other computers in the house.  After several dozen attempts on the TV, I can connect to the server but this is getting frustrating.  Should I switch the server to a different port?  Any assistance would be appreciated.

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I do run a VPN on it from time to time and I thought it was somehow screwing up local connections

It's possible that this could be a problem, yes.

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1 minute ago, Luke said:

It's possible that this could be a problem, yes.

Even when the PC has been rebooted and NordVPN hasn't been started (it doesn't start automatically), I get connection issues.   So, I don't believe that NordVPN is the issue anymore (I use split tunneling anyway).  The TV app just says it can't connect to the server and to check to make sure it's on.  I've tried deleting the saved server and re-adding it to no avail.  I really don't want to go back to Plex (especially since I paid for Emby), but it doesn't have this issue.

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I'm fairly certain there was some kind of auto search when I first set it up, but I don't recally. 

I just turned the TV on a few minutes ago and again Emby not connecting.  Attached is what I see.  The address and port are correct and I can connect to the server from the PC I'm typing this message on.  I have no idea what the problem could be.  Wifi signal is strong and I can connect to the internet with something like the TVNZ app.  If it helps, the server is wired and the TV is on 2.4Ghz wifi, but both are on the same router (netgear nighthawk RAXE500).


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Is that your local LAN address or your remote address? If it's your remote address and the TV is on the same local network, then I would try doing a new server connection using the Lan address.

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Just now, Luke said:

Is that your local LAN address or your remote address? If it's your remote address and the TV is on the same local network, then I would try doing a new server connection using the Lan address.

I tried adding a new server, but it won't connect.  10.0.0.x is my local lan.

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Are you sure the LG has a local network connection at the time? Are you able to connect using the lg web browser?

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Yes, it has a good connection.  I can use other apps, just not Emby.  I will try connecting from the LG web app next time Emby fails.  It's working right now. (go figure).

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Right but internet connection is not the same as being able to reach other devices on your local network.

Plex also has a relay service that kicks in automatically when your server can't be reached, where it runs everything through their servers. So it's always possible that that is happening and you're just not noticing it.

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I've 100% verified that the issue is the LG Emby app.  I can connect just fine with the web interface on the TV, but not the app.  

You guys have some debugging to do.





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Can you attach a server log when you try to connect?  I'm assuming the browser is connecting to the same address

Have you tried deleting the server connection in the app then reconnecting to the server?

The other thing you can try is to uninstall the app from the TV, this will force it to clear the apps cache, remove power from the TV for a minute, then reinstall the app.

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I've attached todays log.  You'll know what you are looking for better than I will.

I've tried deleting the server information and re-entering it a few weeks ago - same issue.

I will delete the app from LG in the next few days and reinstall.  My memory tells me that it's a pain in the ass, so I'm not looking forward to it. 

I would like to say that something times out in WebOS, but sometimes I turn it on and immediately open Emby and it works just fine.  As I've said previously, this has been getting worse for the last serveral weeks and the issue happens about 70% of the time now.  Once it has connected, it will stay connected with no issues.  I have no memory of this happening before and I don't know when you pushed the latest update.  I never used the first version you released for LG becuase it was impossibly slow (The GUI).  I'm not sure when you fixed that issue as I was using Plex for a while.

EDITED TO SAY:  The connection failure I posted tonight - Emby failed, I tried the web app, it worked, switched back to Emby with another failure, closed Emby, opened Emby again - same failure.  Tried again after sending the message here, it started working again.


Edited by Kennyw888
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One comment I'll make is that a 2.4GHz wireless connection is not going to be very effective.  It's not necessarily your issue, but it won't be fast, and is very likely to experience interference.  Far better if you can use a 5GHz connection.

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Does your server have access to the internet?  Your log is full of connection errors and it's probably having issues accepting connections

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Ok, you are reaching for the low hanging fruit.  I understand, but I don't believe it's the issue.

The server is wired to a router and my internet is 1Gbps (not that it matters)

The LAN connection is 2.5Gbps from the media server to the router.

The TV is connected on 2.4G band and the signal is very good.  It used to be 5Ghz, but it's unnecessary for the require bitrate and that band has a lower signal strength.  I changed it to 2.4G due to the issue we are talking about right now (on the off chance that the 5G band had interference that I could not detect)

While LG doesn't feel the need to report a damn thing, my phone in the same location shows that the negotiated speed should be in the 600Mbps to 1147Mbps range which is more than enough for the 2 to 4mbps that the vast majority of my videos are encoded to (also, shouldn't matter since I cannot even connect to the server)

The router is a Netgear RAXE500 11000AX (complete piece of shit, IMHO, but it's the best that I have as it's really difficult to run ethernet to the location of the TV)

The server is running Win11 pro/5700G/B550-I ASUS mobo with 16GB DDR4 3600

NordVPN and Citrix are sometimes running since both Plex and Emby just don't require 100% of this system's resources and I run a part of a proprietary engineering application that regularly communicates changes to a server in the USA (I'm in NZ).

NordVPN does not start automatically, but was running today.  The VPN is configured in split mode and only tunnels for four applications required for remote engineering work by the company I work for.  I aboslutely cannot vouch for the coding of NordVPN, but It does seem to be splitting as advetised.  I do not know why there are connection issues in the log surrounding specific such as:

(at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.<ConnectAsync>g__WaitForConnectWithCancellation|277_0(AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs saea, ValueTask connectTask, CancellationToken cancellationToken) - I have no idea what this log entry is suppose to be telling me.

Or:  (2022-06-04 03:19:25.258 Error App: Error getting connection info
*** Error Report ***
Command line: C:\Users\raint\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll -noautorunwebapp) 

(again, no idea what the above is trying to tell me since Emby feels the need to open a tap in a web browser on every restart)


I can't rule out the VPN for the server issues, but the VPN has no effect on LAN that I'm aware of (I have no problems connecting to that dead-head machine with VPN on or off) over LAN using Plex or VNC or TeamViewer.  Why do you believe that the LG APP can't connect, but the LG web app can?  While I didn't show it, Plex aso has no issue.  I'm not following your logic.

Even when I haven't contributed to a project (meaning NordVPN, Citrix and another confidential app are not running) the same issue with Emby connections DO happen.


Ok, so my frustrations with this aside and in the interest of good troubleshooting - I have disabled VPN and moved my work related crap to another machine.  Neither NordVPN or CItrix are running and never started on the reboot.  The only "abnormal" applications that have started are Intel Driver & Support assistant, Plex, Emby, AMD Adrenaline and my Canon scanner driver. 

As soon as I'm sitting down with a Coke Zero, scotch or glass of wine to enjoy a TV show and/or a movie and Emby failes to connect again, I'll repost a log for you on what should be a clean-connecting server.

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Welllllll. . that didn't take long.  I checked again before counting my sheep and guess what. . .

Picture order is Emby, LG web app, Plex, Emby again. . .

Log also attached.  No errors?  Not sure what this means for my issue.








embyserver (1).txt

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7 hours ago, Kennyw888 said:

Ok, you are reaching for the low hanging fruit.  I understand, but I don't believe it's the issue.

It may be so, but you are the only one reporting this issue, and I can see lots of errors in your log related to network connections.  In my experience, these connection problems are always a local network issue and not an app issue.  While it is always possible, what I saw in your original log does not look normal.

I would suggest, for testing, continue to simplify your network and try and get it working on a minimal configuration.  Try using the portable Emby Server version with a default setup and a few files and see if that works.   Again, for test, can you connect the TV via a LAN cable to the router or switch. 

You will need to work through a process of elimination to find the problem as I'm fairly sure it is a local issue.

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On 6/4/2022 at 11:18 AM, Kennyw888 said:

Welllllll. . that didn't take long.  I checked again before counting my sheep and guess what. . .

Picture order is Emby, LG web app, Plex, Emby again. . .

Log also attached.  No errors?  Not sure what this means for my issue.








embyserver (1).txt 32.16 kB · 3 downloads

So you tried the browser and it worked, is that what you're saying? What if you go back to the app right after doing that and try the app again?

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Yes.  I can connect to the server from any PC in the house chrome or edge and from the LG Web app, but not the LG emby app.

It's 100% the Emby app on the tv.  I switched back to Plex for now.  When I see that the app has been updated, I'll give it another try.

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Maybe a stupid question, but you have the netgear router as your main router? There is no other DHCP server in the network?
How do you have the netgear connected to your ISP router.
You have the symptoms of 2 routers/DHCP servers (possibly even in the same IP range) in one LAN.

This also would comply with the fact that when it does work the connection stays stable.
Also your other internet related apps would not have trouble with this setup.

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