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TV Series problems


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I'm not sure if the latest server update caused some problems with MB3 and MBC. Here's my list:


  1. I'm using Media Center Master to help create images for TV episodes. It looks like in the past MCM searched TheTVDB and downloaded a file called Thumb for the episode image, and MBC used to display that image. Now, I don't know if MBC is creating a file named "Primary" and using that image for the episode, but I would prefer to use the Thumb and the backup be the Primary file. A lot of my TV series now have images that don't match TheTVDB's image, and I would prefer them to match. This may be a problem with MCM though.
  2. The TV Episode name used to show up at the bottom of the screen inside of MBC, but now it looks to be the episode banner or something. That means as I navigate all the files, I have to use the image of the episode to determine what I'm looking at, whereas I would like to see either the filename or a formatted string of the season and episode name (as it used to show in the past). Because I don't have that, I'm relying on the episode image, and that's not working (see #1).
  3. When using the browser and MB3, it would be nice to have either more room to see the title of the folder or file, and if I could have two requests, the other might be the ability to mouse over an image and see detailed info about the folder or file/video. Right now, I get only about 20 characters for each video or TV series, and that's not enough for some longer names.

Thanks for all the hard work guys!

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I'm not sure if #1 is a question or a comment.


#2 should be asked in the area that belongs to the MBC theme you're using.


For #3 - Maybe down the line, but mouseover effects are a very low priority because it will not do anything for mobile and tablet users, so I prefer to come up with solutions that are applicable across different platforms.

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#1 - I don't know how to classify it. Looks like if there's a thumb and not a primary, BM3 will not show an image for the episode. That could be considered a bug report or a feature request to default the image to the thumb if the primary is not present. It looks like MCM uploads the thumb.


#2 - It's chocolate, but I'll start a separate post for it.


#3 - I'm not sure how much more space you can add to the title, but I would prefer more room.  Here's a screenshot I'm seeing on my browser. All of them have prefixes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so I can't tell the full names of the video:




Thanks for the quick response!

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