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Unable to scan music videos to library


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I am seeking a single explanation for how to add music videos to Emby. I have looked through the knowledge base and the forum but found conflicting advice.

I am running Emby server on Debian. I have working movie, tv and music libraries. I'm trying to add a music video library

The KB does not have a dedicated page for music videos, but references them on two pages, 'Movie Naming' and 'Music Naming'. 


Movie Naming simply lists music videos as a type of media that follow the naming scheme for movies. This is a little confusing since dates and titles aren't sufficient for MVs like they are for movies, but I tried it anyway.


Music Naming has a section on Music Videos, which says 'The naming conventions for music videos are identical to movies.'. I assume by this it means that I can name them as 'title.extension', 'title (YYYY).extension', or 'title (YYYY)/title (YYYY).extension', in increasing preference. Then it says that I won't get any metadata from this (?) and will have to open metadata manager and add artist and album myself. Finally it says naming must match naming from imvdb.com. Is this true? I didn't see any reference to this metadata source when adding the library.

After adding a library of type Music Videos with scanning enabled and metadata provider set, I don't see any music videos in it, only 'no items found'. I can see them by clicking folder view, but there's no metadata associated (and music videos don't seem to have an 'identify' button). 

I tried several naming schemes (reference one video name but I have a whole collection):

  1. Music Videos/The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl.mpg
  2. Music Videos/The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl (2002).mpg
  3. Music Videos/The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl (2002)/The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl (2002).mpg
  4. Music Videos/Fell In Love With a Girl (2002)/Fell In Love With a Girl (2002).mpg
  5. Music Videos/The White Stripes/Fell In Love With a Girl (2002).mpg
  6. Music Videos/The White Stripes/Fell In Love With a Girl.mpg

All of these had the same result with no entries in the normal view, only in the folder view. I originally was using format 1 but I think if possible I'd prefer format 5 or 6 (artist dirs). This wouldn't be matching movie naming though, which requires contents in a dir to start with the dirname. I did find examples of people with this naming scheme here on the forum, however. 

Assuming this might be intended behavior I tried to manually add additional information. Navigating to metadata manager and selecting a music video, I get the same sort of fields as for other content like movies - title, sort title, date added, community rating, tagline, overview, release date, year, parental rating, etc. No artist field or album field.

Thanks in advance for any assistance, and generally I enjoy using Emby and am willing to accept tradeoffs and unfinished areas because of the high quality in the areas that matter to me (esp. metadata management).


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sorry I thought I replied to this. I have created a movies library, tv shows library, and music library. each has a single folder path added (my media is already organized this way).

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2 hours ago, embyuserliam said:

sorry I thought I replied to this. I have created a movies library, tv shows library, and music library. each has a single folder path added (my media is already organized this way).

What exact folder path did you add to each one?

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/mnt/movies, /mnt/music, /mnt/tv, /mnt/mvs

i can't imagine how this is helpful info. could you give a hint what youre thinking, like are you considering paths are overlapping?

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yes, they appear as "videos", clicking the search result takes me to the same item as navigating by folder.


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i have been looking through server logs to see if anything appears obviously at fault. i noticed there was an occasional entry saying e.g. moviedb trying to identify one of my music videos. i am not sure if that's an implementation detail but i wondered how moviedb would be involved. i remembered i chose it as one of the metadata options. so i recreated the library with this turned off, and music videos immediately imported. now viewing through metadata manager offers me "artists" and "album" fields per the documentation. i would say this is now working for me, thanks for your patience in troubleshooting it.

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Yea that really shouldn't make a difference. My guess it was the act of removing the library and adding it again that resolved it, not the metadata selection. Thanks for the feedback.

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