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Is it possible to gain the volume of the theme videos and theme songs to background level?

I know I can gain the mp3 with mp3gain but it would be nice if this can be done automaicly.


Now some have songs that have low volume and others are much too loud.


Also when theme songs or videos are playing and I delete items from the library from within MBClassic the music stops and the recycle sound takes over. Is it possible that this does not happen?


  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Have you tried MP4GAIN

Yes I have seen this but unlike mp3gain this isn't a free version.

Edited by heula

Perhaps Tikuf might know a way.


Yes but you will need to use different tools and it is a bit more involved.

using ffmpeg it will need 2 runs and an audio conversion it is quite quick but someone could easily write a tool to do it.

  1. run from command prompt (in same dir as ffmpeg)

    ffmpeg.exe -i “path to input file” -af volumedetect -f null –

look at the output and find max_volume: XXdB

The target volume to reduce it (so it isn’t overpowering) should be around the -15dB

So if the original file has a max volume of -12.4 you would need to drop the volume by 2.6 dB to get it around the -15dB to do this you would need to re-encode the audio while copying the video using the c/l below.

ffmpeg.exe -i "path to input file" -vcodec copy -acodec libvo_aacenc -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128000 -af "aresample=async=1000,volume=-2.6dB" "newoutputfilename"

If someone volunteers to write the tool I would be happy to help with c/l if required. I just don’t have the time to write it myself atm.

Posted (edited)


Yes but you will need to use different tools and it is a bit more involved.

using ffmpeg it will need 2 runs and an audio conversion it is quite quick but someone could easily write a tool to do it.

  1. run from command prompt (in same dir as ffmpeg)

    ffmpeg.exe -i “path to input file” -af volumedetect -f null –

look at the output and find max_volume: XXdB

The target volume to reduce it (so it isn’t overpowering) should be around the -15dB

So if the original file has a max volume of -12.4 you would need to drop the volume by 2.6 dB to get it around the -15dB to do this you would need to re-encode the audio while copying the video using the c/l below.

ffmpeg.exe -i "path to input file" -vcodec copy -acodec libvo_aacenc -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128000 -af "aresample=async=1000,volume=-2.6dB" "newoutputfilename"

If someone volunteers to write the tool I would be happy to help with c/l if required. I just don’t have the time to write it myself atm.


If this is possible that would be great. Perhaps this can run on the server like the chapter image extraction does as a scheduled task?

Edited by heula

I think Radeon would have to include it in the plugin or someone write and external tool.

  • Like 2
  • 4 weeks later...

Any change this will make it to the finals?


Would a program like this also work to normalise the volume level of all media, movies and tv shows?


Would a program like this also work to normalise the volume level of all media, movies and tv shows?

Yes it could be used for that too


Would a program like this also work to normalise the volume level of all media, movies and tv shows?

Normalizing volume in all media seems just asking for trouble, but I definitely would like to see this built in to the theme plugin. There are just too many themes that blow out the speakers whereas the actually media files aren't even loud enough.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hope someone picks this up.  Would definitely help make the overall experience much nicer.  I have no coding ability, otherwise I'd have a crack.  I'd be open to running a tool over the collection on a daily basis, but it would be better to do it once at download time via the plugin.  Either that or it would be better if the files in the repository were tuned down a touch when they are encoded.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I'd love to see this also.  @@radeon any chance?

Edited by swhitmore

I agree - this would be a great feature for the plugins


This is a possibility but I'm not promising anything at this stage.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Right! Audio Normalisation in the latest TV Theme Videos V1.0.2.2. :-D


It's enabled as default for all future downloads and if its a success, ill implement it into the other plugins.


If you want your other ones processed, you'll have to delete and download them again as the Normalisation happens at download time. A quick windows search for "backdrops" in your tv collections should make that simple enough.


Thanks to @@Tikuf for his ffmpeg super knowledge and thanks to @@Cheesegeezer for being there through the highs and lows! hahaha

Edited by radeon
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Sounds great! Thanks. Is the gain level configurable?

Edited by swhitmore

Sounds great! Thanks. Is the gain level configurable?

In short. No.


In long, I was only ever asked to normalise, I don't think anyone asked aboutt it being configurable and after speaking with tikuf, the target max volume in order to prevent themes being overpowering is -15, so that's what the plugin aims for.


In theory, I could make it configurable but I think that really is askingng for trouble so I'm not sure if I want to.

  • Like 1

In short. No.


In long, I was only ever asked to normalise, I don't think anyone asked aboutt it being configurable and after speaking with tikuf, the target max volume in order to prevent themes being overpowering is -15, so that's what the plugin aims for.


In theory, I could make it configurable but I think that really is askingng for trouble so I'm not sure if I want to.

That's fine. I'll test it out this weekend. It would be nice to have it configurable if it were simple to implement.


Sounds great! Thanks. Is the gain level configurable?

@@swhitmore, yes use the volume buttons on your remote control ;)

  • Like 3

Right! Audio Normalisation in the latest TV Theme Videos V1.0.2.2. :-D


It's enabled as default for all future downloads and if its a success, ill implement it into the other plugins.


If you want your other ones processed, you'll have to delete and download them again as the Normalisation happens at download time. A quick windows search for "backdrops" in your tv collections should make that simple enough.


Thanks to @@Tikuf for his ffmpeg super knowledge and thanks to @@Cheesegeezer for being there through the highs and lows! hahaha


So, just so I don't stuff it up, I just delete the "Backdrops" folders and let it rebuild them - OK?



So, just so I don't stuff it up, I just delete the "Backdrops" folders and let it rebuild them - OK?



Yes, thats right, :-D


However, If like Swhitmore, you want to set a custom max volume level, hold off for the next build as custom max volume is coming! :-D

  • Like 2

TV Theme Videos Released!


Added Custom Maximum Volume for Audio Normalisation features.


Configure it through the Plugins Configuration Page


The lower the number the quieter it will be. So -30 is really quiet, -15 is normal, 0 is really loud!



  • Like 3
Posted (edited)



good work mate, great feature added to an already great plugin.


so i'd just like to add that to use this new feature you have to delete your filters(for titles that you want to be normalised) and the backdrops folders. Set your gain, I found -15 to -10 was a good range, then SAVE. Run the plugin again and voila..... normalized audio for all tv theme backdrops

Edited by Cheesegeezer

I have deleted all my theme videos and used the default -15 setting but after downloading all the theme videos were extremely loud and have misformed audio. Is this -15 setting correct or do I need to set a lower level? Are theme songs being processed too (in the future)?

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