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20 minutes ago, ebr said:

Hi.  What is your "Login behavior" set to?

So from memory: I launch the Emby Android TV application and I go directly to the media library (when the PC is on).
(If the PC is on standby, then follow what is said above: wait, then send the WAKE manually).
Basically, this automatically connects without having to enter a USER or MDP.
Exactly, yesterday I even tried by modifying the parameters by: always automatically connect to this server etc.
Same, no WOL sent automatically.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Emby Team,

Quick question here, is this WOL Feature (automatically firing WOL packet on launch of app) been implemented across the Xbox App + LGTV WebOS app?

Would love to know if its added to those apps as well as my media server really needs some sleep ;)

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58 minutes ago, edzz83 said:

Hi Emby Team,

Quick question here, is this WOL Feature (automatically firing WOL packet on launch of app) been implemented across the Xbox App + LGTV WebOS app?

Would love to know if its added to those apps as well as my media server really needs some sleep ;)

Hi, Xbox yes but it's not possible on LG.


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Any idea if there is a way to make WOL work on a local setup? Both the Media Server + LG WebOS app are local on LAN using ethernet, perhaps using port triggering or something locally? 

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12 hours ago, edzz83 said:

Any idea if there is a way to make WOL work on a local setup? Both the Media Server + LG WebOS app are local on LAN using ethernet, perhaps using port triggering or something locally? 

LG doesn't provide any kind of socket api for developers to work with. That's what would be needed in order to do this.

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