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New User, couple of questions


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I just found out about MBS, and I must say it's pretty slick.  It definitely blows Plex out of the water in terms of ease and responsiveness and is much better than XBMC for sharing throughout a house.


However, I have a couple of questions that I can't seem to find the answers to in the forums/FAQs.  I apologize if they've been asked to death, I just can't find them


1.  How does MBS decide if you're on the LAN or WAN?  I have MBT on my laptop configured for my public dns record, not for a private IP address.  It seems, and I may be mistaken, that even when I'm home, it assumes I'm not if I'm using the public dns record.  I've sorta confirmed this by going to mediaserver:8096/mediabrowser and being logged in immediately versus mediaserver.domain.com:8096/mediabrowser and being prompted for credentials even when I'm on my LAN.   Ideally, for the WAF, I'd like to have a single URL no matter whether I'm on the LAN or not, but it doesn't seem like that will work...


2.  Are there any plans for direct play in browsers when on the LAN?  If I try to play something in a browser window (Chrome or FF), from within my LAN using the internal hostname of my server, I cannot get a direct play--it always transcodes.   Path substitution is set properly and I can Direct Play from MBT, just not from Chrome or FF.


4. Is there a trick to getting search working on Live TV?  Using ServerWMC, the guide data is imported, but it doesn't seem to work if I use the search.


Again, it's a great product and I really hope I can use it to replace XBMC + MySQL + WebDav + PlexBMC (Really, really hope!).  Right now the first three are my main sticking points to adoption.  Thanks!

Edited by monkeybounce
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Unfortunately detecting whether you're inside or outside the lan is not as easy as you might think to determine, but we have another solution coming soon that will make that easier.


Direct play in the browser is sometimes possible with mkv, m4v and mp4, but not always. we are limited to html5-supported media. best bet is to stick with chrome. having said that, the next server release will dramatically improve cpu utilization when transcoding so most users aren't going to notice the difference.


Search with live is on the roadmap.

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