Been searching for an answer to this, and I keep running into dead-ends. I have two HDHR tuners using QAM. I can load the channels into Emby, but I can not get SD to map to the channels. I am on Mediacom cable, and the lineup.json file in HDHR lists channels like this:
Obviously, there is not enough information being given by the cableco or the HDHR to allow proper mapping to the channels. The numbers range from 5001-5048. Of the 48 channels I have, I will probably use less than 20. The problem arises, because based on my searching, there is no way to manually map these channels... is that correct? I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty with json or xml, or whatever needs to be changed.
Please help, I'm about to run out of my free trial with SD, and I'd like to know that I can get this all working before I sign up, (and ditch WMC in the process.)