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  2. scb99

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    i tried to do a crying with laughter emoji but didnt work from my pdone
  3. andrewds

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    I don't want free. I want to pay a minimum, preferably not enough for the company to be able to compensate its employees well enough to live comfortably. Then, I want to be able to come to this forum for free to complain.
  4. scb99

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Well just my opinion but what is „realistic‘“ about that? Realistic is for me what supports and secures ongoing Emby‘s support and development. And paying market rates for the people doing the work. The price of premier is trivial when I look at only the support effort I receive here and compare it to what I pay to open a single support case on other software I use. in my opinion, Emby should charge a premium over Plex to compensate for not monetising its users, as well as the far superior support. if you want free, use Jellyfin.
  5. Lessaj

    Play back history is not being recorded.

    Understood, thank you for clarifying that!
  6. DonMacaroni

    Emby search weirdness

    Discovered something more. When you search song title "Thunder" and switch to Songs tab, it lists everything containing string "Thunder". Not only songs, but albums which names contain that string for example "Thunderdome", as well. To my understanding, Songs tab should only list songs, not Albums? And no, none of those additional songs showing up have "Thunder" in their title or part of it.
  7. tfarrell

    Combine albums in music collection

    I really don't remember, it has been 10 or 11 years. Since I didn't know what I was doing, probably I let it use whatever was the default. I just checked, the answer is not presently visible.
  8. DoBoY1

    Sony X90L and TrueHD 7.1 Audio

    I would say so.. it's unfortunate but looks like I might have to spring for another Shield
  9. Hi, have you tried restarting both the server and your dlna clients?
  10. Luke

    Sony X90L and TrueHD 7.1 Audio

    @DoBoY1does this answer your question?
  11. Tremas


    Now that we are beyond server 4.7 and have the ability to set playlists per user, is there any progress on a Watchlist?
  12. Luke

    Emby connect not working

    Hi, yes, did you read the four suggestions and try any of them?
  13. Luke

    Emby connect not working

    Emby Connect uses the addresses displayed on your Emby server dashboard.
  14. andrewds

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    I agree. Realistically the price on premier should go down not up, by at least half if not more. And if they are worried about piracy well then it is time to buy a big ship with lots of cannons. Emby is a USA based company right? That's what the second amendment is for really, big pirate ships with cannons.
  15. Luke

    Play back history is not being recorded.

    Emby apps always try to connect using the lan address first, so that’s why this happens.
  16. rbjtech

    Invalid Username/Password

    Correct - but nobody is breaking into anything - this is a post Authentication check for access. - ie Authorisation.... If you had not authenticated, then the message about 'device access' cannot be determined anyway. 'Device Access Denied' is all it needs to say, and logout the user as it serves no purpose for them to remain logged in. You do not say Auth was successful but it is implied. What information have they gained from this ? - the answer is very little. You are protecting the DEVICE at this point, not the account. Security is a balance - in this case, I feel you have the balance wrong and you are not giving an Authenticated user a valid message about why they cannot login to this device. If you want to be 'really' careful - then you simply say "Invalid username, password or device restriction. Please try again" on ALL responses - that way the user has gained nothing from the message but you have at least given the user some options to look at.
  17. Luke

    Regenerate Video Thumbnails

    Hi, if you refresh the metadata on the impacted titles, then it will try again next time.
  18. @Paxalou are you able to update Debian?
  19. Luke

    Adding to videos to a playlist will not work.

    Hi, best thing to do is post this in the dedicated bulky topic to ensure that the developer of the plugin sees it. Thanks.
  20. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Cant agree on this one. Hasn't been a price change over the years stands, but tell me did we get any new premiere features worth mentioning ? Maybe, maybe not, but main argument is that features that are already premiere are somewhat not stable at all, live tv for example. There are numerous really numerous posts about live tv not working, or working for 2 beta rlses and than all over again from the start... It is really pathetic that emby calls live tv part a premiere feature. It simply is not something to talk about at all from their side and calling it premiere feature is a small insult. I gave up on live tv after 3-4 months because i was not ready to constantly restart whole emby server because live tv was frozen, or stuck, or any other problem you can find on forum in few thousands post on live tv not working. Emby is no unique product. Plex also "could facilitate piracy" , jellyfin too, and million others. Hiding behind piracy claims here only has one purpose, make more money on premiere and limited number of devices, nothing more. If that wasn't true we would have now control of our devices, we could have control to delete, kick device and management of it in general. No we have some silly explanations and shitload of posts about piracy. Common, we are not kids. If they are so scared of piracy issues, than go code a children book or something, and leave streaming server product. Ok lets talk about piracy, if that is an issue as we read here alot from emby devs...why is there a 75 devices license ? Why not make it 10 maximum, its a home server and we don't want piracy right ? Whats the difference in these "talks about piracy" when emby is selling 45, 75 devices ? What anti piracy allows up to 75 devices all over 75 is piracy ? There is no logic in any of the explanations, especially when ebr comes to "teach us".
  21. Today
  22. Happy2Play

    Is there a safe mode?

    something like div.dialogContainer [data-id="settings"] {display: none;}
  23. hackthis02

    New Statistics plugin

    I'll ask @DarWunand @crossfire13148since they seem to have the most interest in it. How should I display this info? A few facts first. Here is the code if you're interested. foreach (var show in showList) { var totalEpisodes = tvdbData.IdList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShowId == show.GetProviderId(MetadataProviders.Tvdb))?.Count ?? 0; var collectedEpisodes = GetOwnedEpisodesCount(show); var seenEpisodes = GetPlayedEpisodeCount(show); var totalSpecials = GetOwnedSpecials(show); var seenSpecials = GetPlayedSpecials(show); if (collectedEpisodes > totalEpisodes) totalEpisodes = collectedEpisodes; decimal watched = 0; decimal collected = 0; if (totalEpisodes > 0) { collected = collectedEpisodes / (decimal)totalEpisodes * 100; } if (collectedEpisodes > 0) { watched = seenEpisodes / (decimal)collectedEpisodes * 100; } showProgress.Add(new ShowProgress { Name = show.Name, SortName = show.SortName, Score = show.CommunityRating, Status = show.Status, StartYear = show.PremiereDate?.ToString("yyyy"), Watched = Math.Round(watched, 1), Episodes = collectedEpisodes - totalSpecials, SeenEpisodes = seenEpisodes, Specials = totalSpecials, SeenSpecials = seenSpecials, Collected = Math.Round(collected, 1), Total = totalEpisodes - totalSpecials, Id = show.Id.ToString() }); } Specials are included when getting the total number of episodes and collected for a series. If you don't have specials it doesn't count negatively to your total number. Also specials are removed from the count after the percentage is calculated. So I have it currently set if your collected number of episodes is larger then the total number of episodes, the collected is now the new number. ie. if (collectedEpisodes > totalEpisodes) totalEpisodes = collectedEpisodes; This is in the event you have episodes that aren't included in the TVDB count. When I display the collected column it's collected episodes -specials / total episodes(if greater then collected) -specials (percentage of collected) +number of specials example: total: 215 collected: 215 specials: 1 214 / 214 (100%) +1 sp Watched is a little different. it's watched(plus specials) / collected episodes(if greater then collected) -specials (percentage of watched) +number of specials Example 1: total: 69 collected: 61 specials: 8 watched: 54 + 1sp 55 / 61 (79.7%) +8sp Example: total: 69 collected: 58 specials: 8 watched: 58 +8sp 66 / 58 (100%) +8sp
  24. Hi, when I first installed this plugin, I tested it out and I was able to add videos to a playlist.. I go through the motions: Advanced > Bulky Editor > Select Video > Click on a Library > Highlight ( Click on a video ) > Then click on Playlist > Select Playlist and Add Nothing happens afterwards. NO movie is added, I refreshed metadata and rebooted Emby, unfortunately no change. Thank you in advance for any help.
  25. To get the regional discount, you must use the regional currency. You must use a credit card from that region or use another form of payment that is common which adjust regionally. Just using a VPN to appear as you are in Brazil and using Paypal to pay isn't going to get a regional discount. Since the funding isn't in the region. You need a bank in that region and a credit card from that bank. Exactly as @Flesthas stated is how this works. The lower price comes from subsidized pricing. There is a federal tax incentive that can cover part of that subsidizing. But it usually needs a liason in that region to facilitate the regional pricing discount. It is a good idea because otherwise you will never gain a foothold in that country except the richer folks that can afford it. That usually means they will sell access to their poorer citizens. To stop the illegal use of the product in those regions is why regional pricing matters.
  26. chef

    Disk Space problem with Server 4.8

    ignore those. I can remove them from the log, they aren't important.
  27. speechles

    Yet Another Skipping/rewinding movie only on Roku

    @pwhodges Because this is a TS file it is common it will lack some of these details. Such as the invalid frame dimensions is normal. That is okay. But the rest of them below are not usual. The PES packet size mismatch is normal see that often and no problems arise. But the packet corrupt parts are not normal. The duration isn't set on the audio track because of a lack of timestamping. This will definitely cause a problem on the Roku. Can you try to repackage this as an MKV with MKVToolNix GUI? Once it is converted to MKV the container can direct play on the Roku. Once you enable subtitles with the MKV it should actually transcode the DVDSUB into the video stream without those problems encountered in the TS stream. All streams should copy into the new MKV container without modification. You just need to remux into MKV and group this with the TS file on Emby creating two versions. Having both the TS and MKV available you can compare playback. The MKV version should act superior in every way, at least on the Roku.
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