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  2. ebr

    Emby connect not working

    Hi. If your IP address has changed, try restarting your server.
  3. Hi. Try removing the ComsSkip plug-in.
  4. Hi. Just FYI, this is what the "Custom Rating" field is designed for. You can enter your rating there and, since no provider will have that, it should never get overwritten.
  5. New user A has been added, and access permissions to some media libraries have been assigned to user A. Then media library B was added, and by default, user A did not check access to media library B. But user A can search for or see the content of media library B through recommendations from other media. This makes user A's access to new media library B invalid. However, without any modifications, go to the configuration page of user A and click save. User A is unable to search for media in new media library B. It is speculated that when adding media library B, the accessible media library permission table for user A was not updated simultaneously. You can test it, my server version is I didn't save the log. After testing, it was easy to reproduce the problem.
  6. ebr

    Comprei a chave e ainda não recebi

    Hi. Please send an email to billingsupport@emby.media and they can help you. Thanks!
  7. justinrh

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    The server log is like what you attached to The debug option is in the "General Display" page of the menu you show above. Toggle it on, then you can send the client log via the user menu at the Emby home page.
  8. Hi. Why? When also there are custom ratings you can give items. The parental rating is designed for exactly what you are trying to do - restrict based on content.
  9. Kas, Have you read this support page? https://emby.media/support/articles/Connectivity.html
  10. bjgrimm

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    Buenas, He probado de nuevo añadiendo contenido a las librerías, no a a todas, pero sigue tardando muchas horas, días enteros, más de 24h. Desactivé la generación de miniaturas de vídeo de todas las librerías, pero aún persiste el problema.
  11. rbjtech

    It's possible RIP Old CD with tracks in DTS

    Sure Paul - I'm not disagreeing. Good to know emby is detecting as DTS (ffmpeg I guess).
  12. Robert87354

    Emby no añade todos los subtítulos cuando convierte

    Hola, @Luketengo Emby, he probado con otra película que tiene 3 subtitulos y, solo ha dejado 2 después de la conveersión. Orginal Convertido en Emby, 2 de 3 subtítulos que tiene la película, falta uno: Lo que ya había comentado, si no tienen nombres los subtítulos y hay más de uno del mismo idioma, solo deja el último disponible del mismo idioma. Para que la conversión mantenga todos los subtítulos del mismo idioma, deben de tener nombre, ejemplo: Saludos.
  13. Today
  14. Natanvilla

    paguei o emby premiere mas não me enviaram a chave

    Comprei a assinatura e ainda não chegou a chave
  15. DonMacaroni

    Carplay needs offline support

    Any updates on this?
  16. RTech666

    Increase Timeout for adding an M3U to LiveTV.

    Would you be able to make it an option in the setting that can be adjusted as needed?
  17. I guess you are missing the point about server / client. Leave the PC turned on with you usb drive attached then use your shield as a client to watch media. Moving the USB drive back and forth, will lead to trouble. If you forget to insert the usb drive to your pc and start emby server, emby will see it as not available or deletet and start removing movies and tv shows etc. from you library. And you will have to reimport the files.
  18. gagomezdevesa

    ¿Cómo autorizo nuevos dispositivos?

    ¿Y no hay ninguna manera de limitar el número de dispositivos por usuario?
  19. Comprei a chave emby premier e ainda não recebi a key pelo e-mail
  20. pwhodges

    It's possible RIP Old CD with tracks in DTS

    But this is extracting from a CD, not a DVD or BD, so getting a WAV file is to be expected. If the track actually contains DTS and has not been altered in any way (e.g. dither, gain normalisation, or topping and tailing) then it will play as multi-channel DTS in just about any player, such as VLC. The DTS track has a header which switches the DTS decoder on As part of my early testing of Emby I took a DTS track from a DTS CD I made nearly 20 years ago and saved it as a wav file with a WAV extension, and also with a DTS extension - I even made an MKA containing it. These all play in Emby generating the correct four-channel output (well, six with two empty). I don't recall clearly, but it might have failed initially, and got fixed when I reported it. Here is Emby's view - note, this is a two-channel WAV file, but Emby has correctly identified the DTS content: Paul
  21. My Media library IS ON AN EXTERNAL HDD (USB 3) and this HDD is shared between the Shield and the PC with a switch. I installed Emby on the PC/Windows. All is ok. Emby/PC reads perfectly the external HDD. I wanted to install Emby on the Shield, to be able to read my media library (the external HDD in USB3) from the Shield. In this case; the PC is turned off.
  22. EliteGroup

    Custom Logo/Branding

    Emby can display thousands of images for covers in the app. So why not one image for branding logo
  23. VicMoore

    Pseudo TV for Emby

    Sorry for not posting, I am working on a new gui and will get it finished this weekend, I hope. I am trying to find what works best for defining channel content. For me, this is great fun. Vic
  24. 17732

    Android version 3.3.86 cannot display lyrics.

    Are they constantly creating new bugs?
  25. Kyrunner

    Android version 3.3.86 cannot display lyrics.

    Also happening on Nvida shield. The Android for Emby app is so bad I just wish they would continue to update the Android for Emby TV app
  26. jifeiyun


    请教一下楼上的解决了么 ?我的也这样
  27. user24

    Combine albums in music collection

    Something else I just thought of that may help, based on the album that you mentioned... On Discogs (and Amazon) it is listed as a 3 CD set: Disc 1 (21 tracks) Disc 2 (22 tracks) Disc 3 (21 tracks) Depending on your metadata (even with 'correct' tagging) this album could be somewhat 'correctly' designated as: 1 album (64 tracks combined) 1 album (3 discs) (21 + 22 + 21 split) 3 albums (1 disc each) (21) + (22) + (21) depending upon how you would like to organise it for yourself. 28 albums is indeed strange and doesn't suggest a specific error with the tagging of (say) all tracks on 1 disc. A stab-in-the-dark is that both the Album Artist and AlbumArtist fields for this CD set for all tracks are blank. Hopefully Mp3tag will help with solving the issues?
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