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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks, now is working! I put the file on usb and it upgraded itself.
  3. The auto update is on, why the app is not updating itself?
  4. Today
  5. CBers

    Emby: Latest Versions

    More updates, including Stable and Beta server releases.
  6. crusher11

    Apocalypse Now 4K Acting Weird

    Also the playback issue is presumably FireTV related.
  7. Noel-M

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Updated the client to beta 2.1.12g Repeated the previous scenario. All works well this time. I'm not sure that it always failed before, but this is positive. I'll let you know if there are further problems. In the mean time - thanks
  8. Jellyfin works better but has an ui ugly as hell for my taste and I do like the way Emby works with the skip intro functionality. I miss h265 encoding though… maybe I’ll give it a try again this year to see the improvements.
  9. Techyon

    Play back history is not being recorded.

    So a interesting one. it looked like there was a issue with the client speaking back to the server. I enabled SSL for the server and only allowed the ssl port through but i saw in the logs the client was trying to connect on the non ssl port and was getting a 404 error, or a 304 I have now run a nginx reverse proxy in from of the emby server and this seems to have resolved the issue. not getting any 304 or 404 errors anymore. This is strange since i have done this many times and only this time did if give me this error.
  10. KahanBhalani

    Subtitles going out of sync when transcoding sound

    Any updates on this issue? I am also facing this with the LG Emby app.
  11. goobee01

    Is there a safe mode?

    Thanks guys for your help. I've decided to leave the Profile icon up. When it's me logged in, I have the "Manage Emby Server" option. With other users, it is not available. Does anyone know what the CSS is to hide the "App Setting Emby Web" and Cog in the profile menu?
  12. It's the weirdest thing, on my nvidia shield, if I close emby i.e. hit the back button and hit 'yes' to exit - when I try and load emby again, it will just hang infinitely. same goes with hitting the home button twice and pressing down to remove the app from recent. the only way to get back into emby is completely uninstalling it and re-installing it, oddly going into storage and clearing data and cache doesn't do the trick (makes no sense to me). rebooting the shield also does nothing, it HAS TO BE an uninstall and re-install. IF I just hit the home button and let emby stay in the background and do whatever and go back into emby, it's totally fine so long as I didn't actually close emby. I'm completely dumbfounded by this because nothing makes sense to me.
  13. Hmm - didn't seem to have any effect when I tried on 4.8.6. Anything more than a reboot needed after editing?
  14. ng4ever

    AT&T Turbo

    lol it just buffered once when saying that, on my phone
  15. ng4ever

    AT&T Turbo

    So far it seems like Turbo, testing it out, works really well on phone cellular data but on the tablet with hotspot for it there is still buffering. Who watches movies and tv shows on a phone though lol ? No offense.
  16. ng4ever

    AT&T Turbo

    Thanks. The only way to be sure or 100% no buffering is to put the media on the device itself sadly. To bad there is no way to do that automatically randomly transfer a original 4k copy video/movie/tv show on iPads from PCs
  17. Happy2Play

    AT&T Turbo

    I guess it would vary as network throttling happens during peak hours as I have seen my cellular data go from less than 1Mbps to over 180Mbps. Also will depend on your 4K also as user rips will likely have extremely high bitrates for any given WAN connection let alone a wireless network.
  18. Ezamorano

    Minimalist Colorful Library and Genre Icons

  19. ng4ever

    AT&T Turbo

    Do you think it will help with 4k video streaming with no buffering over cellular or that is stupid and impossible ?
  20. xDDxxDDx

    Why is Emby transcoding, no transcoding plays fine

    I just checked again, with a different file, but still TrueHD sound, and it does play and has sound when I turn off transcoding. Thank you, now I know. So that probably means when the playback is stuttering or not loading at all, my server is taking too long to transcode the audio?
  21. Ezamorano

    Minimalist Colorful Library and Genre Icons

    Love these! Any chance you have one for Home-MusicVideos?
  22. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    The plugin has an option labeled "factory reset". It resets Kodi's database and the plugin settings (and some Kodi settings) to default. A new init sync is required probably also a new login to Emby server. It's not related to Android or Emby server settings/databases. Some plugin versions upgrades needs a factory reset and is mandatory forced on Kodi start.
  23. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Should be also fast, I need a kodi.log including the init sync, if I should check it.
  24. Doesn't help with other clients but editing scrollx in linkeditems.js will remove scroll per row.
  25. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Getting back to this now that I am home... I did end up creating a script that takes the letsencrypt certs and dumping them into a pfx file in a location that Emby can read from... openssl pkcs12 -export -out /output_path/certs/emby_ssl.pfx -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/privkey.pem -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/fullchain.pem -keypbe NONE -certpbe NONE -nomaciter -passout pass:
  26. Francintrava3

    Collection of Free Emby Pre-rolls

    hi, I looked on pre rols but it tells me that the videos have all been deleted from youtube...I really need them...can you tell me where I can find them now? or could you send them to me privately? A thousand thanks
  27. LongMan

    Collections of TV Shows as Tags

    Works in 10.0.20. Thanks
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