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  2. chrisrobbins1970

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Any updates of this issue: Roku alphapicker for MOVIES TAB using titles?
  3. Happy2Play

    Can't playback emby

    No as you cannot play HEVC in a client/hardware that does not support it. You have to enable transcoding options on the user. Unless you can show a specific example that should work but so far you have provided examples that will not play without conversion as already shown above. This is why user backups are a required management plan. But yes this is a little more complicated per choice of platforms.
  4. alucryd

    Emby Theater for Linux

    @smoothquarkYeah on x64 we're using a custom ffmpeg version, you can find the sources here: https://mediabrowser.github.io/embytools/ffmpeg-2023_06_25-u1.tar.gz On ARM, we're using this fork: https://github.com/jc-kynesim/rpi-ffmpeg. Feel free to try building mpv yourself. Hopefully I can get something out myself sometime next week.
  5. sydlexius

    Rethink Audiobooks

    You're appealing to the BBC's precedence and authority in one area to claim they are a de facto authority in another. They were neither the first nor biggest early mover of digital downloads and distribution of non-musical audio format. There are a lot of people throwing out anecdotes of how they have their media tagged (or not) with "appropriate information", but even the largest plurality of anecdotes here don't amount to a hill of beans. Your appeals to authority don't invalidate the fact that for those of us asking for improvements to the Emby UX for Audiobooks believe it can be done in a better way. As @Tremasobserved, there seem to be two paradigms for presenting chapterized Audiobooks vs Podcasts and Radio dramas that exist across the spectrum of applications that are popularly used to download and consume such media. Emby's UX doesn't seem to take this into account (IMO). I appealed to the devs to look at products like ABS that do seem to strike a good balance (again IMO) between presenting books vs podcasts/radio dramas. I'm sure there are plenty of other great examples as well. As to your point about Audiobooks leveraging M4B vs M4A, that seems like pedantry. Every audiobook, podcast, or radio drama digital release has leveraged existing CODECs and containers popularly used by music media. The distributors of these media seem to be so satisfied with using what already exists when they could certainly have chosen CODECs better suited to voice-centric audio (ex: OPUS). Even if the underlying headers and file structures are the same, the rationale with going with a separate extension could very well have to do with having a different extension handler and/or mode for apps like iTunes to handle/present chapter data in those files.
  6. I am new to all of this and still trying to understand it. So it's the format that is streamed that is incompatible? Is there away to make emby compatible with the stream?
  7. Houfino

    Can't playback emby

    I'm only talking about the "Emby" program..Not android I have newer version and it is bad... Older version is better Too bad you can't go back to older versions...I'm out of luck Restricting access to transcoding will disable quality selection and may cause playback failures in Emby apps due to unsupported media formats or insufficient network bandwidth. is there a fix?
  8. Happy2Play

    Can't playback emby

    Sorry what is wrong with android as all previous logs were for Firefox and server is doing what you told it to.
  9. Starting off how I got here. I setup my OS (truenas Scale) with a domain name (URL) with a provider that mostly video content is a violation of ToS. The setup had my server update DNS records so my changing IP address would stay updated. GoDaddy recently changed their plans so to access API to auto update the DNS, you need to own many domain names, or pay $8 a month. I won't do either. I was going to try google domains (I bought one through them), but they are being handed over to squarespace and might change rules soon as well. My question is which domain providers still let you update the IP address in DNS records via command line using their API? And which ones do people recommend for paid domain names. If it works with CertBot that is a plus.
  10. Houfino

    Can't playback emby

    My android tablet.You have a log..It doesn't work either...I can honestly say that I see emby worse than before...The older version works fine than the newer one...Is there a fix??? Thank you embyserver(1).txt
  11. pwhodges

    Preferred metadata scraper on a per show basis?

    I would support this as a feature request. Paul
  12. DonMacaroni

    Emby and Album art issues

    All my Album Art is embedded into id3v2.4 tags. After App update, my TV displays everything just fine, IOS app on the other hand has issue with displaying Album cover on downloaded Albums, track covers are fine.
  13. pwhodges

    Losing my mind with Battlestar Galactica

    Emby is merely acting as an agent for the metadata provider which you have as first choice for that library (TVDB for series by default, but you can change it). You achieve peace of mind by examining how TVDB (or TMDB if you prefer) organises the franchise, and naming your files accordingly. Note that there may be alternative organisations even within TVDB - e.g. airing order, dvd order, absolute order - and if you choose to use a different order from the first you can tell Emby to use it (at least for those three - some series now have other alternate orders, but Emby still haven't got around to supporting them - BOO! ). Paul
  14. Today
  15. Happy2Play

    Can't playback emby

    Can only guess because your option physically brake playback, conditionally may need more then container change. Enable Playback Remuxing: True Enable Video Playback Transcoding: False Enable Audio Playback Transcoding: False As HEVC appears to not be supported in the browser. &VideoCodec=h264,av1 What does codec support (dolby.com) show? My FireFox My Edge browser
  16. Activate the dlna and on a tv with google tv it doesn't appear. I have another TV with Tizen 6.0 and it works.
  17. Happy2Play

    Why is Emby transcoding, no transcoding plays fine

    Correct as Luke already pointed out will become a license issue if direct played.
  18. xDDxxDDx

    Why is Emby transcoding, no transcoding plays fine

    I can see what you mean. But the last point as well shows that the truehd sound seems to be transcoded to ac3 as well, right? I tried playing a file that definitely has NO subtitles, and ac3 sounds. so far it's been loading for 5 minutes. but Emby doesn't show any ffmpeg log whatsoever, I try to find it but the last one is hours old.
  19. GrimReaper

    Preferred metadata scraper on a per show basis?

    Oh, I can relate to that.
  20. Jack Burton

    Preferred metadata scraper on a per show basis?

    Right, I didn't think to revert, scan, lock, then revert back. That's a clever workaround. I thought about it but didn't want to have my whole library altered then altered back, which I suppose probably wouldn't do anything. I've gone through enough manual editing over the years I've developed an aversion to mass changes haha.
  21. Manually. You may recall a different post where I had the same issue when trying to update from the community version of Emby but had to do a reinstall for it to work.
  22. GrimReaper

    Preferred metadata scraper on a per show basis?

    No, currently there's no such per-TV-show option, it'd be a FR then. For that, you'd have to rearrange preferred library providers and lock TV show/revert provider upon import, basically this:
  23. Every time there is an update to either Emby server on my computer or Emby Theater on my Xbox, they stop communicating. When I try to use Emby connect, my Pin and login are verified then the loading wheel just spins and kicks me back out. Same thing when I try to connect manually with my IP address and port. But always 24-48 hours later it just seems to fix itself and I can connect to my server again. Can anyone help? What’s up with this?
  24. Jack Burton

    Preferred metadata scraper on a per show basis?

    Not sure if it's a feature request or if I just can't see the option. Basically I want one show to use TVDB metadata and another to use TMDB metadata. I saw the second post you mentioned which is why I noticed Battlestar is messed up using TMDB.
  25. Lessaj

    Emby / P2000 upgrade

    Yes this is a remux, so the video stream is just direct playing essentially but the audio is being transcoded from eac3 to mp3, and subtitles are being delivered as webvtt. This will happen on CPU but is very very little. 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy) 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (eac3 (native) -> mp3 (libmp3lame)) 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:3 -> #1:0 (subrip (srt) -> webvtt (native)) 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:4 -> #2:0 (subrip (srt) -> webvtt (native)) 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:5 -> #3:0 (subrip (srt) -> webvtt (native)) 18:10:25.728 Stream #0:6 -> #4:0 (subrip (srt) -> webvtt (native))
  26. juro1971

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Ok, thanks. I installed the repo and here the latest version and the the 10..0.22. Greetings Juro
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