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  1. Past hour
  2. RanmaCanada

    Warning: Hardware-accelerated subtitle-overlay is disabled

    What is your current hardware setup for your server? Maybe adding an inexpensive ARC card, like a 310 or a 380 could resolve your issue?
  3. crusher11

    Need fewer steps to edit images, some metadata

    There's room for all of them, yeah, but even if there isn't "delete" wouldn't be the one I'd choose to put there. How often is anyone really going to delete an image without replacing it? That must surely be the least-used of the four buttons.
  4. Today
  5. Dydhzo

    Reset the Emby key

    @ebrI wanted to make sure because I was in screen sharing and I clicked on emby premiere but you can see the license directly so I wanted to make sure.
  6. Everything is in the title, version 1.1.557.0 example video attached Enregistrement 2024-05-12 234645.mp4
  7. ebr

    Increase playback speed

    Hi. It is related to the audio. If you are bitstreaming a compressed audio format (DTS, DD etc.) there is no way to change the playback speed.
  8. ebr

    Reset the Emby key

    Also, please protect your keys guys. Thanks.
  9. Kyrunner

    Dolby Vision

    Just search Apple TV HDR in the forum it’s been talked about for years
  10. jiggity

    4K HEVC Files not playing since upgrade to 4.8

    With it enabled playback is instantaneous, but again, the subtitles do not work. I let it play for several minutes. The playback issues are not limited to this singular file though. Even set to AC3 this one will not play through Emby at all on the LGTV app, at all. All I get is incompatible stream notices.
  11. theoracle39

    Can't find images for music

    I updated to the latest version. I didn't change any of the default settings in the music library. Now if I try to edit an image, I don't even have the option to search for a new image. Any ideas?
  12. For now, I would recommend to enable subtitle extraction as turning it off does generally cause more issues. How long do you wait for subtitle extraction to complete? Depending on your server capabilities and the size of the file it can take a minute or two in the worst case on first playback of the file.
  13. Dydhzo

    Reset the Emby key

    @Happy2Playokay thanks I'll contact them
  14. Happy2Play

    Reset the Emby key

    I would email billingsupport@emby.media with your information/request.
  15. Veggav

    Telegram Notifications Plugin

    Can you give me a hand getting this to work? I already have telegram notifications working with sonarr and radarr. I have the plugin visible under the settings but when I click it: As you can see there's nothing under Configure notifications for: ... I already tried creating a webhooks notification and restarted but nothing shows up. I'm using emby Version Is this pluging still working with current emby versions? Am I missing something?
  16. Scott D

    How often do people reboot their server?

    I had a similar experience not long ago. I also had a similar set-up in that my storage was all on external hard drives (USB). I was running a windows box and had around 7 multi-Tb drives attached. On occasion a drive or two would just go offline. I started by finding that unplugging and then reattaching the problematic drive would cure the problem. Then it started happening on multiple drives at one time. I too started doing a reboot of the windows box. That got old quickly. If I remember correctly, the problem turned out to be in the USB interface. I can't remember if I added(replaced) the USB card in the computer or went to a USB hub, but one of those options seemed to correct my problem. I still run multiple external drives totaling around 56Tb but I am using a USB hub with power control for each individual connection. In this way, I can turn off any particular drive to isolate problems. Haven't had a problem in some time now. Now I have Emby restart on an every other day just to keep the temp folder clean. That seems to work well enough for me. Hope this helps, or gives an idea on how to troubleshoot or isolate the problem. Best of luck.
  17. ...adding it to /etc/inittab 7:2345:respawn:/opt/emby-server/bin/emby-server id:runlevels:action:process respawn The process will be restarted whenever it terminates (e.g. getty).
  18. Dydhzo

    Reset the Emby key

    Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to reset my Emby Premiere key? (For example, if someone accidentally got hold of the key, is it possible to reset it?)
  19. EmYaj

    Separate Live TV and Library Stream Limit

    Just want to put in my support for this request as well - do we know if this is on the roadmap? Same concern for me - I have a 12 connection limit and I have 12 users with access to IPTV but I want them to be able to use more than 1 connection for non-live content while still having a maximum of 1 live tv connection.
  20. herobucket

    Increase playback speed

    When I watch my media on the Emby web app with a Windows PC I have the ability to select the playback speed an all my files. When I watch the same media from the same NAS on the same network via the Emby app installed on an Nvidia Shield Pro, approximately 20% of the files don't give the option to change the playback speed. I can't see any clear pattern for why some do allow the speed to be changed and some don't. I'm wondering if this is expected behavior, and if there is anything I can do to have the ability to adjust the playback speed on all the files?
  21. Happy2Play

    4K HEVC Files not playing since upgrade to 4.8

    Server log threw the 137 error and ffmpeg log just stops with really no info. But yes 4.8 introduced lots of subtitle specific issues the devs need to address but have mentioned in other topics they are looking into it.
  22. pwhodges

    Android App Connect Issues

    The Connect login is the login for this forum. Paul
  23. jiggity

    4K HEVC Files not playing since upgrade to 4.8

    Except it never transcoded. There was a log, and an attempt, but no playback And with subtitle extraction enabled, there is no transcode, but no subtitles. Something fails in the pipeline, and it isn't the client devices ability to handle the file.
  24. Happy2Play

    Warning: Hardware-accelerated subtitle-overlay is disabled

    Not sure as disabling the diagnostic option should not disable hardware also. But yes 4.8 has introduced a lot of subtitle related issues compared to previous version. And per other topics yes devs are looking into it.
  25. jiggity

    4K HEVC Files not playing since upgrade to 4.8

    Yes, if i enable subtitle extraction, the video playback works, but the subtitles won't. Which is a whole other layer of odd. The video, and the subtitles embedded, directly play on the TV when plugged in on a USB drive, but when Emby tries to directly play them, it won't?
  26. It has been almost 8 weeks and I still cannot play DTS audio in the official Emby for Android TV app on the 4K fire stick. I am guessing the ATV app is abandonware are this point as the latest release is 2.1.10 yet the fireOS store still has 2.0.98a as latest. I also recently picked up a 3rd gen Cube. I was surprised to see it actually does play DTS-HD MA as DTS Core however there are some funny differences between playback of the two devices depending on the fireOS audio options. Here are my findings across both Plex and Emby: From what I can see, the latest stick in these apps will passthrough all these formats no matter which of these two audio settings you use. The cube however, there is no magic setting that will passthrough all of these formats in either app. If you choose DD+, TrueHD will get converted to DD+. If you choose Best Available, non Atmos DD+ gets converted to PCM. You can also see that I tried the latest non ATV, regular Android Emby app with the stick and yet still, no DTS audio. I'm unable to test any other versions of Emby for ATV because while I have unlocked the ATV app through the Amazon store, you can't install a beta over it. Side loading the app gives me a version of the app that isn't unlocked, and won't let me play anything.
  27. And it works if I play the exact same anime episode as my original post but I select no subtitles, then hardware transcoding works. See logs embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-5af831c6-d899-41e8-a330-b35748982f6f_1.txt
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