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  2. To further what @jaycedksaid above, you are on borrowed time using a switch for a storage device, STOP! I’ll assume the shield is always on, right? Then just directly attach the USB drive to the shield and share it on your LAN so the PC can access it from directly from the shield share as described here: how-do-i-share-shield-tv-folders-with-a-pc . Then install both the emby server and client on the shield. You can then also use emby via a client on the PC (web browser, emby-theater...) and other devices on your LAN.
  3. rhodges

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    How do I install this in Kodi 21? I've used previous versions before, but I cannot install this version after updating to Kodi 21. I see from the first post, there are 3 helper dependencies, but when I try to install them from kodi.emby.tv, it errors saying dependency Python 2.19 was not met. I cannot install the main plugin because of a dependency issue, which I'm assuming are the 3 missing ones from the Dependencies folder. plugin.video.emby.movies-0.14.zip plugin.video.emby.musicvideos-0.14.zip plugin.video.emby.tvshows-0.14.zip Kodi 21 on Nvidia Shield (Android TV 11.0.0 API level 30) Edit: Nevermind, I just overlooked the "dependencies" aren't in the dependency folder, they are in the main folder. Trying now. Edit 2: Yeah, I was looking in the wrong place for the 2 other parts. Those I listed are something else entirely. I should have waited about 10 more minutes before posting and I would have resolved my issue before posting.
  4. 17732

    Can't read cover.

    The mobile phone client can display normally, and the apple TV terminal does not display the cover.
  5. lifespeed

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Is said market sufficient to financially support Emby development? There is more to it than mere existence.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Spaceboy

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    a world exists outside the USA
  8. JDMoody

    Roku autoplay next episode has suddenly stopped working

    When will this ROKU issue be resolved? It's been ongoing for 2 years or more now. With this issue EMBY has lost. almos all of its functionality for me and my colleagues. PLEX has not presented this problem. I'd rather stick with EMBY, but we are at a breaking point with this issue.
  9. lifespeed

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    I would like to add a comment regarding Emby funding their development going forward. There has been mention of the recurring costs of the live TV guide, and breaking this out as a separate subscription instead of included with a lifetime payment. This sounds reasonable, as it is a recurring cost to Emby and is truly a "service" requiring continuing data. However, and this is a big one, live TV is on the verge of being broken for Emby by virtue of ATSC 3.0 DRM. ATSC 1.0 is only required to be transmitted for another 4 years. At first glance, it appears it could be impossible for Emby, as a software-only device, to meet the DRM requirement of playing back on the same hardware that made the recording. Possibly this could be solved by close coordination with SiliconDust, but why would they partner with Emby instead of selling you their own DVR software with guide subscription? While I really enjoy the integration Emby has offered thus far, both movie libraries as well as live and recorded TV, it appears this is coming to an end. As such, who will want the partial solution of non-DRM'd TV that Emby might be able to offer? I can't see a TV guide data subscription working as a reasonable revenue stream for Emby going forward. Although I do think their efforts need to be supported financially, this would appear to be a dead end.
  10. I have tried to reset the password, and it doesn't work. Can anyone help? I was able to reset it for the forum but not for watching media.
  11. user24

    Combine albums in music collection

    The Autoharp Legacy Album is also listed on MusicBrainz: https://musicbrainz.org/release/251d4c50-00a1-4db4-acff-56b89a047f5d You can use Tag Sources on Mp3tag (from the top menu bar) to fill in missing/incorrect metadata, as well as doing it manually. Yes, more work involved, but another option to possibly explore? Note: check that the MusicBrainz info is correct, as sometimes there are errors, or it may not have the metadata in the exact format you would like. Also, if you have enabled MusicBrainz and/or Discogs as a Metadata Downloader in your Emby Library Server Settings, this may automatically import the data for you, into your Emby library, and get many albums 'fixed' relatively quickly? (I would personally use Mp3tag and write the data into my music files themselves.)
  12. MJK79

    Live TV Italia canali rai e Mediaset problemi

    @Luke Hi Luke! Nice to hear you. It's my first report for issues with Emby so I'm not 100% sure I did everything the right way. Anyway... 1. The description of the issue is my first post. 2. The attached log file features the following operations: - Start EmbyWeb/ play RAI1@LiveTV/ play MediasetCh.@LiveTV/ Exit... - Start EmbyTheater/ play RAI1@LiveTV/ play MediasetCh.@LiveTV... - Set VLC as EmbyTheater External Player/ play RAI1@LiveTV/ Exit... 3. Attached screenshots show the outcome of each operation recorded on log file. Please, let me know if I should open a new topic. Thanks in advance for any kind of support. MS embyserver.txt
  13. Q-Droid

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Emby can't use the cert PEM files. You need a PKCS12 container, a PFX file with all of the certs and it's better to place it somewhere under the Emby config path.
  14. EarlyOnsetPooka

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    I suppose a cron job to check them daily and then fix them if they've changed would work
  15. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Using a FACL it should keep the permissions... Unless the app specifically kills it
  16. EarlyOnsetPooka

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Ok, so you did a recursive special access to those folders? Do you know if that needs refreshed when new certs are generated?
  17. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Pretty sure what I ended up doing was a file access control permission on my system. setfacl -Rm u:emby:rx,d:u:emby:rx /etc/letsencrypt
  18. EarlyOnsetPooka

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Can't do it as any other user than root. Paths are correct, but the service is run as a user and not as root (thankfully), and the emby user doesn't have the permissions. using ls -al /etc/letsencrypt/blah/blah/cert.crt shows them as owned by root:root
  19. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Of course I am not home to refresh my memory on what I ended up doing.
  20. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    One test you can do is switch to the emby user and make sure you can cd to the directory and cat out certs. You might have just missed a single folder. sudo -u emby /bin/sh cd /path/to/cert cat cert.crt
  21. I just discovered I had this exact same issue: hardware transcoding would fail, direct stream and software transcoding was fine. The fix for me was to simply update the Nvidia drivers to the latest (my card was the T1000).
  22. EarlyOnsetPooka

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    I had attempted to update the permissions of the folder using chgrp emby /path/to/certs and on the files themselves. Should that have been chown emby:emby /path/to/certs? And would that survive a renewal, or would I need to manually chown them again after a renewal. I suppose that part could be scripted. Moving them should also work, I just didn't want to interfere with any auto renewal process
  23. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    The emby user needs permissions to get to the cert. Either need to update the folder permissions to and including the cert. Or move the files to where the emby user has permissions.
  24. David Patt

    Dolby Vision Problem

    ok , thank you
  25. I am pulling my hair out here. Trying to get certs installed for my emby install on a dedicated Ubuntu server VM in proxmox. Earlier today, I was able to use certbot to get LE certs, but when I attempted to USE those certs, I couldn't browse to or read the /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/ subfolder ... No idea how I'm supposed to get the emby.service to be able to access these files. Got frustrated and installed nobody's favorite reverse proxy host NPM in a proxmox container. Managed to get the SSL certs. Could only get either a 502 Bad Gateway message or a server timeout when attempting to connect from a remote device. Finally got that squared away by having my NPM point to the local non-SSL port and setting the emby remote secure connection to letting the reverse proxy handle it. Yay. Everything works. I'd still prefer to just use certs on my actual emby VM and let it handle getting the cert and renewing it as needed. Not sure if the reverse proxy is really necessary for anything other than that I didn't have file permission issues when I set that up.
  26. HI, this has been resolved for the next app update. You can sideload it for now if needed: Thanks.
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