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  2. tonysky

    Crash on Android TV

  3. Hello Glenn, I have been using version 1.340 for a long time. It may be that Atmos is displayed, the icons are often not clearly visible because of the background, DTS-HD and TrueHD icons definitely are. As well as 4K. The only thing missing is Dolby Vision. I once integrated Disney+ into Kodi. FV+ ran perfectly with it. But unfortunately the Disney addon was not stable. I liked that I could also see the timeline. And that you could see what was currently playing based on the background image. But since it wasn't stable, I went back to the regular app. Yes, weather - I also saw that you can set that up. But just like I wrote about the time. You now have everything on your cell phone or tablet. And I can also see the current weather by looking out the window. The statistics for nerds, bitrate for image and sound are now not a "must have" only "nice to have". In any case, remaining time would be much nicer if you could choose that. I used to have a Zidoo Android Box that had its own display for the time, so you could set the remaining time. But with the Zidoo you can only adjust the frame rate with an external player, not with the internal player. And external players like VLC & Co. do not transmit time to FV+. That's why I switched from Zidoo to Nvidia Shield. It would be nice if you could set it up again in Emby itself. Even nicer if Plex could also be used. But I assume that Plex developers don't like to allow other programs to be connected, which would probably make the connection to FV+ quite difficult. What is important to me is that I can still use FV+. As you can see from my pictures, I would have to completely rebuild my board. Which I don't want, since I've invested some time (and money) there. Greeting, Teddy
  4. Hi @HorsePDF How do I find out that it's working? i run emby without nginx. are my settings correct?
  5. nRafinia

    New Plugin - Subscene subtitle

    This site (https://subdl.com) is not powerful and active too. But your idea about combinate results is thinkable.
  6. yoyo77yo2

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    Pourtant les chaînes fonctionnent bien sur l'application firestick ou mibox et elles sont bien installés : Mais ça fonctionne pas sur les téléphones mobile comme si il y avais un filtre sur les chaînes et du coup on ne voit aucune chaîne sur les téléphones
  7. yoyo77yo2

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    This :
  8. Luke

    error in introduction of actors

    OK this type of markup is not currently supported in Emby for Apple TV but it's something we can look at in future updates. Thanks.
  9. Today
  10. Luke

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    Hi, what is on the previous screen?
  11. Cr8iveLosr

    New Plugin - Subscene subtitle

    not heard of subsource but the article shared by user above indicates the entire subscene database was archived and shared. a recommended alternative by reddit users post is https://subdl.com/ might be worth a look or create a plugin that can handle subs from different source? Thanks for the great plugin and sharing your work.
  12. nRafinia

    New Plugin - Subscene subtitle

    Hi everybody I had worked on the new version of this plugin and that was in the test, but the site unfortunately is closed. A new site with part of subscene archive is https://subsource.net/. This site is not as powerful as Subscene but is good. I contacted the owner of this site to make a plugin for his site and give me API, and he said ok, but you must wait because we are in beta mode. I start making the beta version of the plugin for this site until the owner gives me a confirmation. Thanks all
  13. Luke

    Error when transcoding movie - Conversion Failed

    Hi @ctarantois this the lowest value that resolves the issue for you?
  14. Yamega

    Stream info

    Both screenshots are from the same playing session in the same Emby Android app, just a minute or so apart
  15. Hi, have you updated to Emby for iOS 2.2.20? Has that helped?
  16. So you want to skip recording previously watched episodes? There is currently no way to do this, but it's certainly doable.
  17. Luke

    Stream info

    Hi, in the second screenshot, what Emby app are you playing with?
  18. Yea I think something like this makes sense.
  19. Luke

    Universal settings

    HI, I don't have an update yet, but revamping settings is something that we plan to do . Thanks.
  20. jaycedk

    New Plugin - Subscene subtitle

    Yes subscene is gone. Subscene's Demise is No Surprise But Millions of App Users Face Disruption * TorrentFreak
  21. I've had a problem for ages now. I have two NAS and have connected them via SMB, now the second NAS only starts once a day to scan the database and then sleeps again. Every few months, however, the SMB folders are not mounted correctly and Emby then deletes all the media files that are on this NAS. That means every few months I manually adjust the whole 40tb and select covers. Would it be possible to add an option to separate the clean up, the deletion of unavailable files and the media scan? that you can always trigger the clean up manually? I'm really annoyed because it's always a lot of work. best regards and thank you for the great work
  22. yoyo77yo2

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    Oui elles fonctionnes parfaitement sur mon firestick ou ma mibox mais pas sûr l'application du téléphone : voir pièces jointes
  23. Luke

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    hi, what iptv have you added to Emby Server? have you checked your m3u to see if the channels are still even available?
  24. No it's not. There's no new vs old here. Nothing has changed. That hidden option only exists in order to do something different from the long time behavior. This is mainly about tracks having their own images and whether they even should or not.
  25. There really isn't a long list of these. This one in discussion here is a rare exception.
  26. yoyo77yo2

    Iptv sur téléphone mobile

    Bonjour, jai mis un iptv sur emby et cela fonctionne depuis plusieurs mois maintenant. Mais depuis quelques semaines je constate que je ne peux plus afficher les chaînes iptv sur les téléphones (avec l'application mobile) en revanche, sur emby firestick , Android ou même sur l'ordinateur, j'ai bien accès aux chaînes... Sur mobile : aucune chaîne ne s'affichent comme si elle avaient disparue...alors que j'ai rien fait de spécial (peut être dû a une mise a jour de l'application ?) Version serveur : beta Version appli mobile : 3.3.86 Merci de votre aide
  27. Hi Teddy, I’m glad you are enjoying your usage! I personally have moved to more streaming devices/appleTV so FV+ isn’t used as often. I would love to have a plugin for appleTV for FV+, and there is a great python library that exists - pyatv - (unfortunately only in python it would seem). Toyed with combo of it and c which may re jig my interest. I haven’t touched the FV+ code for some time - but you still may be a version or 2 behind. Check here: https://github.com/Ghawken/FrontView/releases I haven’t always updated various formats given the various plugins - not sure the last post here. They are all backward compatible as far as I know. New Atmos/Other support was added a while back [image]https://github.com/Ghawken/FrontView/blob/master/FrontView/Images/AvengersMediaIconsMatrix.png?raw=true[image] Check you are on correct version. Also check have Weather setup - I think your screenshots are missing that? As to other requests: Issue is a lot of (at least) past users have very low resolution screens - currently we support all, which leads to some choices, need for UI selection if not likely to work on a 640x480 screen. Probably most are doable - issue is UI to select/unselect options is limited and also time consuming to construct, this would be needed for those that don’t make sense on a smaller screen. I’ll see what seems doable, a first guess the remaining time should be doable, The stats instead of time - probably not, we don’t get that info anyway, could look at removing time, but if weather set up typically get weather icon as option I seem to recall, see if you are setup. I believe the current weather provider is still working? I’ll check that as well. No timeframe from me - but check out the new versions - they may have some of what your are missing already. Glenn
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