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Emby for Apple TV - Now Ready for tvOS 13



A new update for our Apple TV app has just been released which makes the app compatible with both tvOS 12.4 and 13. As a bonus, you also get all of the following :):

Brand New Home Screen


We've entirely re-written home screen. This gives you top level access to your Favorites, and an improved search.




In addition this new home screen includes the following improvements:

  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Better refreshing when content changes
  • Faster loading compared to the old screen
  • My Media "small" support
  • Live TV shortcuts
  • Now Playing menu option when music is playing



Brand New TV Library


We've entirely re-written the TV media type library. To summarize this includes all the features similar to the Movies library including:



  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Added episodes tab
  • Improved sorting, filtering, shuffle and play all support
  • Default screen from your settings is now respected by the Apple TV app
  • Faster loading
  • Generally aligned features and UI with other Emby apps


Brand New Music Library


We've entirely re-written the music library. To summarize this includes all the features similar to the Movies and TV libraries including:



  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Improved sorting, filtering, shuffle and play all support
  • Faster loading
  • Improved playlist rendering w/ album icons for mixed content within a play list
  • Generally aligned features and UI with other Emby apps including instant mix support

Miscellaneous improvements and changes

  • Default Movie screen from your settings is now respected by the Apple TV app
  • Shuffle support is available in the movies library
  • Playlists now support video content
  • When displaying start/end-time on the scrub bar it now respect your device settings
  • Updated MPV and FFMPeg to 4.1.3
  • Bitrate options now include additional options for those on Apple TV 4K devices
  • Group items into collections support added to Movies and TV libraries
  • Increase number of in progress items to 4 on the Top Shelf
  • Improved searching when using voice to text

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to hang on start up
  • Fixed a number of bugs that would cause the app to crash when entering the background during video playback
  • Fixed a bug on collection views (e.g. Movies) where scroll position would be lost after playback
  • Fixed a bug where movies and shows on the Genres view were not sorting properly
  • Fixed a number of miscellaneous bugs that were introduced in tvOS 12.4 and 13
  • Fixed a bug that prevented play/pause on a universal remote from being recognized when the Siri remote was disconnected
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Record Settings button to appear twice
  • Fixed a bug where movie suggestions were not respecting their parent library
  • Fixed a bug that prevented unwatched episode counts from displaying

  • Like 5


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Hope that this time the german translation gets into the app :(

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Thanks for your hard work! look forward to trying it out :) Are we likely to see the "next up in 30 seconds" return to the end of tv shows ?

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I was happy to read that this update was supposed to fix the login issue as previously, on the ‘first’ attempt, emby app would say there was an error logging in & I would have to close the app and open it again.


With the updated app I logged in fine the first time, started watching a show, and then paused it. I went away for a while so the Apple TV went to sleep. When I came back I was unable to log back in. I tried closing the app, but the error still came up. I even tried restarting the app via the web dashboard on my phone & restarting the Apple TV (via the settings app), but have been unable to log back in.

I had to finish playing the episode using vlc player.


I haven’t tried pulling the cord on the Apple TV, but at the moment I can’t log in. As for my network setup the Apple TV and the machine hosting emby are on the same switch with no VLANs in place or anything of that nature (except igmp snooping if that matters).


So far this is a decrease in service....

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I was happy to read that this update was supposed to fix the login issue as previously, on the ‘first’ attempt, emby app would say there was an error logging in & I would have to close the app and open it again.


With the updated app I logged in fine the first time, started watching a show, and then paused it. I went away for a while so the Apple TV went to sleep. When I came back I was unable to log back in. I tried closing the app, but the error still came up. I even tried restarting the app via the web dashboard on my phone & restarting the Apple TV (via the settings app), but have been unable to log back in.

I had to finish playing the episode using vlc player.


I haven’t tried pulling the cord on the Apple TV, but at the moment I can’t log in. As for my network setup the Apple TV and the machine hosting emby are on the same switch with no VLANs in place or anything of that nature (except igmp snooping if that matters).


So far this is a decrease in service....


Hi there @appoli are you still running into this? We're happy to help. Thanks.

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Yes, if this is still an issue, please post in the Apple TV forum and we will figure out what it going on.  Thanks.

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My server and Apple TV 4k and on the same network and when I try and open the app it see's the server and I login to my user but it shows the navigation bar at the top and nothing else, I can't see my library's at all. The app on my phone and the web interface works fine. I have tried deleting the app and reinstalling but no luck. Any advise?

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Nevermind found out I had a database problem. After I renamed the old database and had Emby create a new one everything started working great.

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