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XBMB3C - The MediaBrowser XBMC addon - Version 0.7.5 release!

I am happy to announce the release of XBMB3C version 0.7.5!

You can find the AddOn in the official XBMC repo.

This version has seen a lot of big changes since the last official version 0.6.5.

Many of these improvements are due to the addition of another developer to the project - null_pointer - so please get him a virtual beer and some up-votes!


Below are the changes since 0.6.5:

  • Removed local image copying - new image proxy service by Null_Pointer!
    • NOTE: You can delete the .png files in addon_data!

    [*]Switched all data from XML to JSON

    • NOTE: If you have added nodes to your main menu, you will need to redo them

    [*]Added local data cache (null_pointer)

    [*]Added New Movies/New Episodes list for use by skins (null_pointer)

    [*]Added Confluence skin mods (null_pointer)

    [*]Make using Series art for episodes an option

    [*]Fixed crash in latest episodes when a 'special' is present

    [*]Fixed DVD playback

    [*]Changed 'Play All From Here' to start from current episode

    [*]Added simplejson/json switch (try this if you are running on a low-power platform - ie Pi)

    [*]Added preliminary transcoding support

    [*]Added preliminary music support (plays, needs work on metadata)

    [*]Fixed bug with non-ASCII characters in collection name

    [*]Gracefully handle username not specified

Here are instructions on how to modify Confluence to use MB3 instead of the XBMC database:

  • Grab the files from the /skin_diffs/skin.confluence/720p dir and drop them into the confluence skin dir in the 720p folder, keep a backup of your originals first.
  • Launch the AddOn and add the sections you would like to show up on your home screen to 'Favorites'
  • Modify example menu entries in Home.xml (search for mb3), you will need to update the <action> to point to the addon section you want - reference 'favorites.xml' for this path.

If that sounds like a lot of hacking - not to worry - we are working on making this automated for the next release!




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Will this plugin allow MB3 and XBMC work with Linksys DMA2100 ? I am using MB3 now on my 2100



Will this plugin allow MB3 and XBMC work with Linksys DMA2100 ? I am using MB3 now on my 2100


No - this is for a device that can use XBMC to use MB3 as the library database/metadata/image provider.  If anything this would allow you to use an XBMC device to access the same library your WMC/MBC extender uses.





I have managed to get XBMB3C addon working but had a question....


I can see through the config file that you can launch the addon from there and it will bring up a menu of movies, etc...

I have also replaced the couple files in the aeon skin folder.


Is there a way to make this all work off the main menu ie: Movies, TV Shows, Music rather than having to use the menu that appears after launching? More of where it would be seamless? It would be cool if you chose Movies from the Aeon Main Menu and it loded the database just as it would if your were using XBMC.


Ahhh... I just reread your description and now realize I need to add Movies to my Favorites. Then are you saying I need to edit home.xml (with notepad++), or through the skin customization module within Aeon? Either way, I think I know what you mean by adding the 'action' to launch favorites>movies. Is that more or less it?


At the moment I am testing XBMC through OpenELEC off a stick. If this works well, I will install to my drive.

I have also been trying Plex.



Actually in Aeon Nox it is way easier than that.


Watch my YouTube video here:


Starting at ~1:15 it shows how to add to the main menu.


You can also add 'Recently Added' etc to the sub-menu the same way.


Join us in the discussion thread here:



For further discussion.




P.S. We need to make more YouTube videos - there is a ton more possible now..

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