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Find a way to support T-Mobile Home Internet for remote viewing please


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It seems T-Mobile may have a winner with their Home Internet service, but it does not allow port-forwarding. They provide an IPv6 external IP, but not entirely sure if it is a real addressable external IP even at that. I have seen discussion about setting up a VPN, but this just adds another layer of complexity to what has been otherwise an elegantly simple experience using Emby. My guess is you will have more Emby users that will (or at least would like to) switch to T-Mo as the service expands, so this is likely a feature that will have expanded interest over time.

Thanks -

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Hi, so without port forwarding they don't allow any remote access, is that orrect?

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I wouldn't say "no remote access" in that I can still communicate with my thermostat when off my local network, but not sure how that communication actually works. It did not require any port forwarding in the original setup.

However, anything that I have that depends on port forwarding would fit into "not allowing any remote access"...if that makes sense.

I know this would not be trivial, but I think it could be worthwhile, if there is a way to do it.

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52 minutes ago, mohoelx said:

I wouldn't say "no remote access" in that I can still communicate with my thermostat when off my local network, but not sure how that communication actually works. It did not require any port forwarding in the original setup.

Hi.  That's because those devices do not require remote access to your network.   They work through a central server (your thermostat talks to that server and so does your phone).

I'm not aware of any way we can provide remote access to your network if the provider won't allow it.

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I know this is a feature request, but I recently stumpled upon Argo Tunnel from Cloudflare.
It seems to be a proxy (not a VPN) that would allow you to access stuff through your reverse proxy (I'm assuming you have one) without forwarding any ports.

I haven't ried it out yet or read more about it, si I'm not sure if it's only for customers. Since this might fix your problems, buying a 10$ domain might be a cheap and quick fix.

P.S. This reads like an ad^^.

Edited by heciruam
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