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auto box sets ne fait plus de mise à jour des collections


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Depuis un moment, Auto Box Sets ne fait plus la mise à jour des collections: à l'ajout de films puis le forcer à faire la mise à jour ne change rien. J'ai tenté la désinstallation du plug-in, le downgrade sur la version 1.2.3. J'ai également tenté de créer les collections manuellement mais lorsque je valide la collection, une roue tourne indéfiniement au centre de l'écran et rien ne se passe.246872253_Screenshot_2021-04-23Emby(1).thumb.png.b7971255b04ada3dac6313a593457f38.png

De plus, dans la gestion du serveur Emby (roue crantée), onglet médiathèque, il m'affiche d'autres dossiers de collections qui sont identiques à l'originale. Ces collection apparaissent à chaque forçage de mise à jour des collections ou lors de la création manuelle de collection.1641810102_Screenshot_2021-04-23Emby.thumb.png.d618ffd819ce5f6ebf212ac72c46fde3.png

Mais elles n'apparaissent pas toutes dans la page d'accueil:


Merci de votre aide.


Auto Box sets 1.2.5

Synology DS918+ DSM 6.2.4-25556

Edited by Fragglerock
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Have you receive any errors relative to the plugin in your logs? Have a copy of your logs?

Hopefully you don't too many custom collections created... Have you tried deleting the Libraries and then uninstalled the plugin, Restarted and reinstalled then restarted?


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System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var/data/collections'.

This one looks as though the path is wrong or has been altered.. or may need permissions changed.

System.IO.IOException: System.IO.IOException: The configured user limit (8192) on the number of inotify watches has been reached, or the operating system failed to allocate a required resource.

This is one shown where your 'Directory Watcher' or Library Monitoring is malfunctioned.. which may be related.


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Hi, For the first one you would need to check to make sure that location exists and has proper permissions for Emby Server to read it.
This would be done at the file system level/OS and not in Emby Itself.

The second error "inotify watches" is common on NAS installations and you just need to UP the number of watches supported. This will affect RTM (real time monitoring) but should not affect full library scans so let's solve this error after getting your collections back in shape.

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Thank you for your answer,

So I have to change the rights in DSM from Synology, but where is it?

I guess the second thing to change is in DSM as well, so same question: where should I make the changes?

I searched a bit I found this: -configuration panel -user- -right click on Emby and modify -quotas and there a pop up tells me that "Emby's quotas are unlimited". I don't know if it's good here

Thank you for your help.

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I honestly don't know myself as I'm not a Synology owner (yet) but I purchased a 920+ that should arrive tomorrow. Won't be long and I'll be able to personally help people a lot more on Synology platforms as well as add to the Knowledge Base area for this platform.

Hopefully someone who uses Synology can jump in with info to help you.

Edited by cayars
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I tried to create manually in Emby's database (Emby> Data> Collections> collection name - Saga [boxset]) with the XML file (collection.xml) as well as photos (poster.jpg, fanart .jpg) but nothing helps.

What I created does not appear in Emby

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On 4/23/2021 at 1:04 PM, Fragglerock said:

I tried to create manually in Emby's database (Emby> Data> Collections> collection name - Saga [boxset]) with the XML file (collection.xml) as well as photos (poster.jpg, fanart .jpg) but nothing helps.

What I created does not appear in Emby

Hi, can you try using the web interface instead?

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I tried again but no collection appears.

The last collection dates from December 2020.

The ones I tried to create and which date from last month do not appear.

Whether manually in the file or via the web interface, nothing works.


First, I select the films that I want to put in the collection, here they are the films of the "Dirty Harry" saga


then, I click on the 3 dots and select "add to a collection"


Then I create a new collection


I write "Dirty Harry" (or in my case, in french "Inspecteur Harry")


After clic on "create", this wheel turns for ever


where did I make a mistake?



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Does this path '/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var/data/collections' physically exist as it is shown?

There are quite a few errors in your logs.. this one seems to be directly related to collections...

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hi since the last time, I have tried several things:

update Emby to Beta version: does not work.

Then I uninstalled Auto Box Sets, so it doesn't work automatically but I can finally do it manually. But since it is not practical, I am still looking for a solution.

For the file, I could not say: since the transition to the Beta version, the Emby folder no longer appears in the file explorer whereas before yes. I have checked the rights and everything looks good. I am lost again.

I feel like trying to downgrade the Emby version and try it out.

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Have you tried uninstalling EMBY.. and deleting any folder or files related to EMBY if they exist and going with a completely fresh installation...Possibly of the Beta ( which has collections as a part of it.. ) No extra plugins.. Set all server settings and then add your libraries, and try again...

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On 4/30/2021 at 2:37 PM, Fragglerock said:

That's an idea but I think I'll try to downgrade first.

If you are doing this then I would do a fresh install. Going back and forth between beta and stable on the same installation is not supported and will cause problems.

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I will do this but first I want to know if there is a way to save all settings?

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You won't need those settings if you fresh install.  But you could always (with Emby shutdown) rename the folder where Emby is installed there by keeping it "archived" in case it's needed.

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So, I reinstall after erased all data from Emby.

Now Emby and Auto Box Sets All is fine but Auto Box Sets have some trouble with finding good identification for some films, I had to do it manualy.

Thank you for your help!

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I prefer to use an old version that works rather than a problematic version. Not to mention that it is the only version that is installed automatically. I don't know why this is the only version that is available automatically.
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