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I use the folder tab in emby to view my library in the the same way I have it organized on my computer. I have a folder for each genre and within each genre have my collection organized by numbers (i.e. 001) bad boys. In the genres section I have the filter set to organize by name. When I go into a collection, I'm able to change the filtering to organize by premiere date. However, when I go back to the genre section it still keeps it filtering by premiere date. In Kodi I was able to filter the genre folder by name and the specific collection folder by premiere date so I can see the movies in that collection in the correct order in which they came out. Is there a way to do this in emby without having to switch between the two every time I switch folders? When I go into a larger collection and they are all jumbled up it is a little irritating having to switch from name to premiere filter and visa vera when I go back to the overall genre folder. 

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No problem. When it is set up by name it has the movies in the wrong order in my folder for that movie collection on my Sony Bravia tv.1280086068_1)genres.thumb.png.ba37658ab01da5f44046248cb9623921.png2104281849_2)Organizedfoldersbyname.thumb.png.ab0be1042be7d228e66ef9872a262e75.png151600241_3)moviesincollectionbyname.thumb.png.1d21ab6958f970b4145d779d5b0efb81.png



When I have it set up to sort by premiere date so the movies will be in the right order for the collection section it also organizes the genre folder by premiere date.


With Kodi I was able to set the collection to organize by premiere date and have the entire genre collection organized by name without effecting each other and having to switch them each time. When I have a large collection like James Bond I will have to switch the organization filter to be able to see the in the correct order. It's not horrible but It would be nice for them to remember the setting for each folder level like Kodi does.

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In your second and third screenshots, you're not looking at a collection, you're looking at folders. The sort order is determined by the chosen sort order in the dropdown at the top of the screen. 

Notice it says "sort by folders", which means sort by filename.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do understand that this isn't the collection section. I made my own collection folders in my folder section. I would like to be able to set the the chosen order for my bad boys folder differently from the action folder that the bad boys folder is in (i.e. bad boys as premiere date and Action folder as name) without having to change the chosen order each time.  I would like to be able to set it for both folder at the same time without having to switch it when moving between folders. I was able to do this in kodi.

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The problem is that the sort order is remembered for every folder. I'm trying to get it to remember the premiere date sort order inside the collection for bad boys and for the larger action folder the name sort order without have to change it. Each time I go to a different folder it applies that one selected sort order to every folder.

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12 minutes ago, Shindou12 said:

The problem is that the sort order is remembered for every folder. I'm trying to get it to remember the premiere date sort order inside the collection for bad boys and for the larger action folder the name sort order without have to change it. Each time I go to a different folder it applies that one selected sort order to every folder.

Hi.  In some cases we try to share these settings between like folders so that you don't have to specifically change them for every single one.  This is usually what people with lots of folders prefer.  Is there a reason you cannot use the actual Genre view that we provide on that same screen?  Would that not give you the presentation you want?

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It has been simpler to keep it organized with folders. Because my library is so large I like to take out the other genres to keep it in one genre and not repeating multiple times when looking through my library.  I also like to keep my folders organized with all my collections together (.i.e. 001) bad boys, 002) Bourne collection). With the genres section I have to go through each movie and remove the other genre's that are with it. Also every time I add a new collection I have to go through all my movies in Emby to organize it. In folders I just organize it and it updates automatically in the folder and is the way I set it up on my computer. This is much easier and much less time consuming. I was just hoping there was a way for the system to organize it in folders without having to switch the sort order constantly or constantly update and reorganizing my library.

Also I have used the emby organizing plugin and when it does a collection in the genre section it shows the collection as well as the individual movies in the same genre. I only want it to be in a collection folder and not shown both in a collection as well as individually.

Edited by Shindou12
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But you should be able to just add movies to the master Library path and not keep moving them around.  Then collections and genres will be built automatically for them.

You then get more views to your data this way with actual collections vs movies (option), genres per movie OR collection and most importantly your library will sort correction based on title.

You're going out of your way to do what Emby can already do much better and sort of breaking functionality in Emby.

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I have all of my movies added to my master library. In the genres section it shows the movie in both the collection and individually (i.e. drama). I want to see the movie only in the collection that it is supposed to be in. For example, I used emby's natural system to create a collection for Indiana Jones. In genres it showed the Indiana Jones movies in the collection as well as individually (showed twice). Therefore, I organize my own system because it only shows them once and I'm able to cluster my own collections together in each genre. With emby's natural organizational system it includes the genres scraped for websites which makes a movie show up in three different genres which I only want it to be in one. So that's why I've been using the folder's option. I have to continually change all of these things with emby's native mechanics. I was just hoping that folders could organize in a similar way to genre's so that I see them in oder. I was just hoping that the way that the genres section organizes the movies in a collection, even a custom folder, would be able to organize it by premiere date without having to change it when going to my genre folder. There is just too much to change with the natural system for it to be the way I want it.

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I'm not sure I follow you but you are aware you can control how collections are shown correct? By this I mean you can for example only show a collection or don't show the collection but show individual movies.

To me it seems like you rushed the gun trying to come up with a different disc layout vs adjusting things to your liking.  But many of us use normal view, genres, folder view, collections with massive size libraries and have no problems like you've described.

If you follow our file naming guide all these things just work without a lot of special setup or anything as it's already built into Emby.

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