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ExoPlayerLib non-https requests to port 443


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Sorry but I don't have easy access to the Android client's filesystem

* Browser client works fine. MacOS client works fine.
* Android client can navigate libraries fine, but fails to play music. When attempting to play music, several requests are stopped at the ingress. Ingress logs show:

client sent plain HTTP request to HTTPS port while reading client request headers, client:, server: [redacted], request: "GET /emby/Audio/254/un
iversal?[query params redacted] HTTP/1.1", host: "[redacted]:443"

* Ingress logs show successful requests from the device browser (from navigating the library), but failed requests with a user-agent of "Emby/3.1.80 (Linux;Android 11) ExoPlayerLib/2.13.2"

Network setup:
Reverse proxy at mydomain.tld. Http requests to :80 are redirected to :443. Https requests to 443 are forwarded to emby's :8096.

My expected behavior is that after connecting to :443, all requests from the client will use https, even if emby server only sees http requests.

Emby network configuration pane:
Local http port: 8096
Local https port: 8920
Public http port: 80
Public https port: 443
External domain: [mydomain.tld]
No ssl cert path
No cert password
Secure connection mode: Handled by reverse proxy
Enable automatic port mapping: unchecked

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Clients do not redirect this way because there is an RFC (Internet specification) which specifies situations in which redirection is not allowed.  It came up in a thread earlier this week, but I can't find it right now...  You should be fine if the https: is explicitly specified in the client so that redirection is not required.


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Same behavior after deleting server and reconnecting with 'https' specified.

Pwhodges, with https specified there should be no redirect required. (and anyway, clients are completely free to use whatever protocol they like, including a branch around the port number, if scheme is not specified in the URL. Plenty of clients don't even support http 🤯).

I want to reemphasize that the client can navigate the library. So it appears that either the Emby server is setting a host for content location data (in which case, how can I configure it not to. But this seems unlikely when other clients work), or that calls that the client makes via ExoLib don't maintain the same scheme as what's being used everywhere else.

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Hmm. Your setup matches mine, as far as I can see, which works fine playing music on Android - so I'm wondering if there's something in your reverse proxy config that's not quite right.. I don't know Ingress, so I can't help with that (I use Caddy).


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Is any Caddy user willing to test something? What happens when you make an http request to its https port?

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