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Auto Box Sets: "Exclude"-feature request

nick naim

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nick naim

I find the "Auto Box Sets" plugin very useful. However, at times I want to organize my movies differently than the TMDB collection suggests. I can manually remove movies from a collection and delete an unwanted collection, but the collection reappears after I refresh boxsets. The only workaround is to manually delete the TMDB collection ID in each of the movies' metadata, but the collection ID reappears when the movie's metadata is refreshed.

It would be useful if the plugin offered an "exclude" or "blacklist" feature, where I can add TMDB collections IDs that I want to be disregarded by Auto Box Sets.

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Hi, with the next release of the server you'll be able to selectively enable or disable by library. I realize this isn't what you're asking, but it's closer than where it is now.

It sounds like you might be better off just using the plugin once to create an initial set of collections, then uninstalling it and managing manually from there on out.

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nick naim

Thanks for the suggestions. I agree that both workarounds you suggested work, but they also have their caveats:

In probably 95% of the cases Auto Box Sets does a good job and I would miss the feature if I uninstalled the plugin.

I also have been locking the items to prevent that the IDs get rewritten, but in certain cases this is ignored. I had to rebuild my library a few times in the past. I safe the metadata to nfo-files, which is very helpful in keeping all customized information, but it ignores that the item is locked and restores the collection ID anyways.

I can deal with it and just manually delete the collections I don't want and edit and lock the metadata of those movies after I rebuild my library (which doesn't happen too often), but I would appreciate you considering adding an exclude feature.

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