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Android TV Log In issue

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Hi Everyone,

I went away on holiday and when I returned my Android TV app has an error and will not work. Before going away for the holidays my system worked and had no issues. Have been using the current setup without issue for a few years now. Just before going away I did get some sort of error message (can't remember the exact wording sorry, but was something like not being able to sync with the server), but I could clear the message and everything would work correctly.

Now, I can connect to the server, but when I try to connect to my user account it says either user or password is incorrect. When I enter manually I get the same error. I am confident the user and password is correct as I am able to log in using another laptop through a web browser. I have the "don't require password for local connections checked" and have tried both with and without passwords entered and get the same result.

My Android TV app version is 1.8.54g and my server version is 

Any ideas on what might be causing the issue?


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Another clue if it helps.

I created a new user and required a password on local network. The Android TV app immediately noticed the new user and has a padlock in the bottom right corner on the icon. Clicking on the new user I get prompted for the password, I enter it, but am still greeted with the same error: "Invalid User ID or Password". On a laptop I am able to enter the new account through a web browser. 

Also, I sideloaded the latest 1.8.65 version of the app to see if that would help. Still getting the same results. 

Thanks again.

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Not sure if this is connected, but am having difficulty updating server to version Under pending installations it says it has been installed, and tell me a restart is required. I restart, but it continues to show version I have gone through a circular loop a few times, but always with the same same result as above. In the alerts section it says has been installed (several times now) but the server version still says 

I tried downloading and installing manually, but I get an error message saying "could not move system directory to backup" ... "the process could not access the file because it is being used by another process". I tried shutting down everything Emby related prior to running the install, but got the same result.

Thanks again.

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Looks like something is holding onto the Emby system folder. 

You'll need to reboot your PC to fix this. 

If afterwards you still can't login on the ATV app, then I would suggest uninstalling it, rebooting the device and then re-installing it. You'll have to change any settings you had previously. 

Let us know how it goes. 


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  • Solution
7 hours ago, Treecrusher said:

and my server version is

Hi.  Yes, this is the problem. Once you get your server updated, you should be good to go but let us know.


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Thanks guys, it was the server version that was causing the issue. Once I got that updated it is working correctly again. 

To get the server to update required .Net Core installed. For some reason it wasn't prompting me to do this before, but while I was backing everything up in anticipation of uninstalling and starting from scratch, I shut the server down and restarted it a couple of times. On one of the restarts it would not restart and had an error prompt stating I needed .Net Core installed.  After installing that it worked. Not sure what was different with that particular restart, as I have shut down and restarted the server a dozen times or so trying to resolve this, but glad it is all up and running again.

Thanks for your help once again!


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