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Unable to install: System.Net.WebException


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No, on the first startup it downloads some required components. i think you're either just on a slow connection or having connectivity issues. especially since you said the c++ installation took an hour. those are coming from regular windows updates, not us. so even your connection to microsoft is pretty slow.

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Hi there,


I used to use MB 2 a while back - absolutely loved it.. Now rebuilt my HTPC and am installing - well trying to - the server component...


After about 45 mins trying to download the 418kb initial installer, and then well over an hour for the C++ stuff, I finally get to what looks like the main media browser server installation


I keep getting an exception being thrown, and I guess it's a timeout or something because it's happening at variable points in the installation progress (well, assuming the progress bar actually relates to something).. I've got as far as approximately 50%... Other times 0%..


I don't think the issue is my side, as I've got a reasonable internet connection and have been able to - this same evening - download 75mb files pretty fast.. 


I'm guessing something is up server-side, not sure though!


The exception message details are "An exception occurred during a WebClient request."


It would be fantastic to get MB3 up and running - it looks awesome!

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