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Hello, first of all, I love Emby and It has become my main media platform, thanks for it, I would be willing to contribute to the project it if would be possible. Now, my issue.

When I click Shuffle in my Music Library folder, a song starts playing, but when it finishes and next one should start, nothing happens and the attached 'loading icon' appears indefinitely. This behavior also happens on the first click on the shuffle option, and also after some tracks have been played.

I have the emby server installed in an Ubuntu 20.04 computer. My media content is in a NTFS drive that is mounted with this options in /etc/fstab

UUID=C6CAF7E8CAF7D2A3  /mnt/data ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1001,umask=0002,auto,exec 0 0

Where the gid group is one where the emby user is added

Also, logs with debug enabled don't show anything fishy.

Any help? 




Hi there, please attach the emby server log. 

Can you also attach the contents of the browser debug console? Thanks.


Here they are. I forced the playback of next track by jumping to the end, to trigger the bug. It managed to play the next 3 tracks, and then the bug occured. I'm attaching the emby server log and console logs after restart and only action was to click shuffle in my Music library.

browser-console.log embyserver.txt


Hi there, are you still running into this with Emby Server 4.5.4?


Yes. I've noticed that this does not happen when I play a specific album, playlist, or random play from artist.
It appears to happen only on shuffle from all the library


Ok it seems to be working OK from my testing, but we'll try to chase it down. Thanks.

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