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Issue with repo?

Go to solution Solved by xnappo,

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Hi all.


Yesterday I decided to try and download Aeon Nox via the repo. I have had it installed for about a month and used it to download the Confluence skin. It worked fine then.


When I tried to download Nox it went through the motions and showed the % of download up to 99%. It then acts like it's going to go to the next step and show me "add-on enabled" or something but that never happens. I waited for about 10 minutes in case it was just being slow. Nothing ever happened. I double check the Appearance section to make sure it didn't really download and just didn't give me the notification that it had.


I restarted XBMC and tried again. Same deal. I tried to download MQ5 to see if it would do it. It did the same thing.


I restarted my computer and tried again. Same thing is happening. I gave up last night and decided to try again this morning but the same thing is happening.


I am attaching a log but I am not sure if it is the one you need. Let me know if it's not.





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Hmm- I just tried an had no problem...


I don't see anything suspicious in your log.



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Perhaps I will try to re-install and try again. Thanks for looking at this so fast!



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I did try that. Since my last post I uninstalled XBMC completely and re-installed it.


I installed the repo, installed Confluence via the repo and it worked but Aeon Nox still won't complete its download. I then tried MQ5 and it downloaded fine as well.


It is fine with me for now as I am going to keep on playing with MQ5 today as I like it as well, just wish widgets would work with Video Nodes.


Probably just a problem on my machine since you don't seem to be able to make it happen.


No worries unless someone runs into same issue. :-)



Edited by jasonmcroy
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Okay - so that probably means I screwed up the Aeon Nox repo :(


@@im85288 - I know you are working on other stuff... But can you take a quick look at how I messed it up?



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It seems you missed the root folder when zipping it up.


So the new one is something like skin.aeon.nox.gotham.xbmb3c-

                                                                - 1080i

                                                                - media 


But it should be skin.aeon.nox.gotham.xbmb3c-

                               - skin.aeon.nox.gotham.xbmb3c

                                         - 1080i

                                         - media 

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Hi @@bigjohn - I modified the zip on the FTP server, but the HTTP server is still serving the old version.  Does it take a while to transfer?





[EDIT] Nevermind

Edited by xnappo
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Yeah, sometimes it takes a little while for changes to propagate to the edges of the CDN.

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